Saturday, November 29, 2008

Feeding at the Trough of Permissiveness

Last week, Planned Parenthood reacted to the post-election interview with
Cardinal O'Malley
in the Boston Globe that portrayed Obama and his theological assistants as the culture of death.

I'll spare you the poison. Suffice it to say that Planned Parenthood's response was opining that "92% of Catholics use some form of birth control", they support their children being taught immoral and irreligious "safe" sexual techniques, preventions and abortion when they sleep with irresponsible partners they don't want to have children with and the Cardinal ought to reconnect to the trials and tribulations of the 'reality of life of his own constituency'.

This Archbishop doesn't have the stamina to connect to that reality because if he did, he'd have to face the systemic theological immorality taught by his own priests and educational institutions, and put an end to it.

He is a father who hires planned parenthood to teach his own children while he carries on a Don Quixote mission of being worried in the public square about what the children of the earth are being taught. Dysfunction rather than disingenuous, but nevertheless, the culture of death is causally related to the systemic rot of his own theological empire. Faced with a choice between the salvation of his priests and his popularity, the Cardinal Archbishop picks the latter. His priests follow suit and the teachers, politicians, nurses, physicians, pharmacists and families in the pews follow their example.

Is the Archbishop "worried"?

Worry is a chariot. You either get on it and wring your hands in a stationary position or you fire up the engines of unselfish love for the welfare of the children and seek and implement the solution.

Yesterday, the economics is superior to the sanctity of life Obama generation trampled a Walmart employee to death at a Black Friday sale.

"When they were saying they had to leave, that an employee got killed, people were yelling `I've been on line since yesterday morning,'" she said. "They kept shopping."

Of course they kept shopping. These are the trails and tribulations. They kept shopping, they kept voting - irrespective of who gets trampled. The fruit of Catholic priests who misrepresent "faithful citizenship" are blind to their accountability in it, but there is no mistaking the intellectual and spiritual fog that empowered it: In a recession, the trampling of life is immaterial in the economic necessity to stretch the dollar.

Selfish desire and ambition lie at the roots of permissive spiritual parenting. The cult of celebrity is a leech sucking the lifeblood out of priesthood. Crucial to the survival of the leech is the unwillingness to accept the consequences of teaching right from wrong, truth from lies, light from darkness, salvation from damnation.

1 comment:

TTC said...


The media is in the hands of the dogs and is a complete farce.

Blessed Advent to you and yours!