Thursday, November 20, 2008

Newman in the Lion's Den

Newman in the Lion's Den

Great story by Fr. Longenecker about Father Newman.

He speaks about the emails he and Father Newman received...which were in 4 categories.

1.The irrational vulgar blasphemers.
2.The Catechism is Republican tool, why does the Church want to drive people away.
3.We are nasty intolerant racist animal haters who litter and don't recycle.
5. Loyal informed dedicated Catholics who gave thanks, prayers and goodwill.

The demonic were understandable: The devil will be a gentle dog as long as you feed him, but if you kick him, he bites back. The lame are those who are largely ignorant of the Catholic Faith, and can best be helped with prayer.
But the "defiant" category makes up the largest number of our respondents, and is the saddest category of all. Statistics show us that these are the Catholics who sealed Obama's victory. They are people who were poorly catechized over the last 40 years in America. They have been nurtured in the Protest Generation and told that it is fine, even noble, to disagree with the Church. They have been taught to act according to their conscience without taking the trouble or time to inform it.
Caught up in the trendy agendas of the day, they have jumped on the bandwagons of feminism, environmentalism, homosexualism, socialism, and sentimentalism -- mistaking their favorite cause for the Catholic Faith. When they are confronted with clear, concise, and consistent Catholicism they are shocked and angry, and their response is (if they haven't done so already) to leave the Church, preferring their own wisdom to the wisdom of God.

In the next 20 years, this sort of Catholic will become extinct. As America descends further into decadence and decline, the lines will be drawn between the forces of darkness and the forces of light. People will have to choose whether to serve God and His Church or the dark side.

Nothing like the sweet taste of courage and truth coming from a priest.

This sort of thing is becoming more common, not less, as this world descends and faithful and faithless are harvested by their dominion.

1 comment:

  1. So we observe again the new theologies. The Theology of Spin and the Theology of personal opinion. When you add to these the Theology of minimalism and lack of self denial, we now have the new catholic Church of today and boy does it make us feel comfortable.
