"Because man is a sacred element of secular life," Stafford remarked, "man should not be held to a supreme power of state, and a person's life cannot ultimately be controlled by government."N.B. David Gibson's sniveling malice against the Pope: Wow. I bet that wasn't the tenor of Obama's chat with the Pope the other day. Then again, lieutenants are there to do the dirty work so the white cassock stays clean."For the next few years, Gethsemane will not be marginal. We will know that garden," Stafford said, comparing America's future with Obama as president to Jesus' agony in the garden. "On November 4, 2008, America suffered a cultural earthquake."
Cardinal Stafford said Catholics must deal with the "hot, angry tears of betrayal" by beginning a new sentiment where one is "with Jesus, sick because of love."
This individual has a site about "Pontifications" about "Catholic Faith and Culture".
If you suffer the misfortune of homilies filled with drivel, do yourself a favor and make a habit of visiting Fr. George Rutler's pastor's corner. You'll never find this priest delivering you into temptation by glamorizing adultery, removing the prohibitions of sins or collaborating with evil.
This week, he has astute observations and a remarkable quote from Cardinal Newman.
In February of 1943, the ill-prepared United States Army II Corps valiantly fought against the German-Italian Panzer Army at the Kasserine Pass in Tunisia but had to retreat. The army did wake up, commanders were replaced, the troops regrouped, and eventually the war was won. This is a contemporary allegory, when we see the social consequences of poorly formed Catholics overwhelmed by secular forces that have no love for the Church.In the nineteenth century, Cardinal Newman warned that naïve Catholics would fall into "mass apostasy" through lack of preparedness in spiritual combat: "Do you think [the Prince of Lies] is so unskillful in his craft, as to ask you openly and plainly to join him in his warfare against the Truth? No; he offers you baits to tempt you. He promises you civil liberty; he promises you equality; he promises you trade and wealth; he promises you a remission of taxes; he promises you reform. This is the way in which he conceals from you the kind of work to which he is putting you; he tempts you to rail against your rulers and superiors; he does so himself, and induces you to imitate him; or he promises you illumination,—he offers you knowledge, science, philosophy, enlargement of mind. He scoffs at times gone by; he scoffs at every institution which reveres them. He prompts you what to say, and then listens to you, and praises you, and encourages you. He bids you mount aloft. He shows you how to become as gods. Then he laughs and jokes with you, and gets intimate with you; he takes your hand, and gets his fingers between yours, and grasps them, and then you are his."
Many have warned about the consequences of yielding the Faith to false messiahs. Years before becoming pope, Benedict XVI wrote: "Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic" (Truth and Tolerance, p. 116).
We are about to witness many outrages against the dignity of life by politicians who have taken advantage of nominal Christians.
Let's congratulate Carol on helping to Elect Senator Obama, the most pro-abortion president in our history.
ReplyDeleteCarol was too busy attacking Mitt Romney to realize she was helping to elect either Obama Or Hilary.
Congratulations on time and effort misspent!
At this point, many os us pro-lifers would much rather see a Romney in the White House than Obama.
At least Romney was open to talking to evangelicals.
Congrat Carol!
My Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteNo, no,I it's not my fault GOP luminaries picked an empty suit with a wooden gait and a political history of selling Catholics and the unborn to the wolves.
"At least Romney was open to talking to evangelicals."
Oh, and talk he does. Right out of both sides of his mouth. But, when he was here in Massachusetts, it wasn't our side he was talking to. When it comes to appointing judges, advancing legislation protecting our kids from indoctrination into promiscuity and condoms and abortions - Mitt was no different than Obama.
You give me far too much credit! I'm just a mother living in the cranberry bogs with a blog and a hunch on how the grassroots is going to vote.
Once we took Romney out of contention, you could have backed Brownback. You didn't. I suspect next time you folks with the power and the money round up the 2012 candidates, you'll leave the phony baloneys out of the running?
Well, once you helped destroy ROmney and (did you actually think Brownback or Huckabee had a chance?) we were stuck with McCain...someone who didn't know how to campain.
ReplyDeleteMitt was no different than Obama.
Well, congratulations, you got Obama, who (as you say) is no different than Romnney.
At least with Romney, you would have gotten some other repubs in office with him.
Instead you chose to use your efforts to destroy a Republican.
Now the infanticide Dems have control of all three houses of government.
Just wait until you see the judges he'll approve.
I looked at the last McCain/Obama debate and wondered what the stage would have looked like that night with Romney debating Obama...instead of poky old MCcain.
I think we'd have a republican with a veto pen at the white house instead of someone who's first act is to sign the freedom of choice act.
You always seem to side with the wrong people Carol. You have a circular firing squad. Now look what we have to deal with.
A complete lock on power by people who don't give a crap about human life.
Oh come on now. The problem was picking the wrong man at the outset, not the rejection of Flip Flop. Sure Brownback and Huckabee had a much better chance to excite the prolife camp than Romney.
ReplyDeleteWhatever hallucinations you have over what kind of judges Romney would appoint, it doesn't bode with history. Romney already has a record of appointing judges and appointed many a radical liberal. Even while he was running for President.
He was worse than an empty suit. I don't have a single regret about helping to put the fire out on Romney. The man is a disaster.
Gee, it doesn't seem like you've learned the valuable lesson. Come next election, if you fellas want to win, I'd suggest putting your money behind a candidate who hasn't flipped flopped to get whatever political position he was going after, one a long history of solid prolife credentials.
Otherwise, Obama is going to be in for more than one term because the days when money controlled power are gone!
ReplyDelete"Well, congratulations, you got Obama, who (as you say) is no different than Romnney.
At least with Romney, you would have gotten some other repubs in office with him."
Here, we also disagree in our conjecture. You see, I believe if you were successful in selling Flip Flop, more Republicans would have lost their seats than already did.
Sounds to me like you can't get Romney on the table for 2012. As hard as it is to accept, there's solid reasons why he won't be recycled.