Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Fugatz over Bishop Williams

'I believe there were no gas chambers' - Richard Williamson in November 2008

The MSM is loving picking up the Bishop William's articulations and making it the meme of Christendom.

This Bishop also has a whole conspiracy theory going about pants. Women's trousers ideologically attack people minds.

This is coming from a man wearing a dress.

I'm actually all for femininity, for traditional roles of women. Further, I fully affirm women choosing to solely dress in dresses in skirts. When women who wear pants are likened to Lady McBeth, I have to get off the bus. Saying there was no holocaust rules out any credibility on any other issue and is a clear sign something has gone awry.

That being said, when you start hijacking the hysteria to claim healing the division between SSPX and the Holy Catholic Church is some kind of insult to the Jews - neither does that rise to the level above fringe. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Let's take it up a few notches, shall we?
The pope said: "While I renew with affection the expression of my full and unquestionable solidarity with our (Jewish) brothers, I hope the memory of the Shoah will induce humanity to reflect on the unpredictable power of hate when it conquers the heart of man." Shoah is the Hebrew word for the Holocaust.

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