Sunday, January 25, 2009

More Chronicles of McFadia

There are some ongoing Developments in the Curious Case of Eric McFadden.

Tom Blumer at Newsbusters throws this question out there:

Given McFadden's heavy use of technology to to conduct his criminal enterprise, has anybody at the Dispatch investigated whether McFadden ever used state resources (telephones, Internet, etc.) while he was employed? Have any Freedom of Information Act requests been filed for all electronic and printed correspondence relating to the McFadden's appointment, his tenure at OFBCI, the circumstances surrounding his transfer to Corrections, or the end of his employment? If not, why not?

It's more than fair to ask what Ted Strickland or other state officials really knew about McFadden, and when they knew it.

Pursuant to this suggestion, I will be filing a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act to ask for information surrounding McFadden's tenure and departure - including copies of all communications and files relating to my complaint that McFadden was a dangerous person & using the internet as his main resource, any actions they took to investigate the legitimacy of my complaint - including and especially IT records of his internet traffic and pertinent emails while using his office computer in Strickland's faith-based offices.

When somebody lodges a complaint that your employee is using the internet to compulsively sexually harass and stalk in a manner that is intended to be threatening, the employer would call their IT department to check the history of his internet traffic.

Not to do so would be negligence. I've said all along - they went from not believing me to removing McFadden within days. They did an investigation and they found something.

Why was this man shuffled to a prison and then brought back into politics to do faith-based outreach for Ted Strickland and Hillary Clinton? Especially in light of the fact that they are trying to claim they fired him because he stunk at it.

Their story doesn't gel.

I suspect there is more to this than Mcfadden's various Sex Consumer Review Initiatives to direct traffic to a Brewery District Brothel.

Among his prostitutes was a 17 year-old girl whom McFadden met on Craig's list. He groomed her, took provocative and obscene photos of her & promoted her career.

Could it be possible that the tentacles of the money and sex are in some way wrapped around the rope and perks they gave McFadden?

Could McFadden have pimped out the teenager to some highly placed political people who then felt they needed to keep McFadden happy and employed to cover their gluteus maximus?

Seems to me the Democratic political establishment was keeping him employed no matter how egregious or lethal his conduct became.

For instance, it's a well-known story in the Ohio prostitute world that in 2006, during McFadden's employment with Catholics for the Common Good and prior to his employment in Strickland's office, a police report was filed by a woman claiming McFadden had kidnapped her, held her hostage and then was harassing her by telephone.

Details from the Columbus Ohio police report include two charges:

1. Telecommunications Harassment
2. Kidnapping

- and summary narrative:


I believe April of 2006 was about the same time he escalated his stalking and harassing with me that precipitated my call to the Columbus police. He was on a roll.

If McFadden was so lousy at faith-based outreach why would they rehire him? Why would Robert Kennedy Jr and Kathleen Townsend be using McFadden as their Clinton operation base in Ohio?

There was also a mystery surrounding McFadden's peculiar and swift departure from his post-Hillary appointment on the Paula Brooks campaign. Has anyone contacted Brooks to find out whether his sex, stalking or conduct intended to threaten manifested itself in any way?

As soon as I get the FOIA request completed, I'll post it. Turnaround time for that is customarily three days.

Stay tuned for more details for McFadden's Catholic Common Good Initiatives.

By the way, take a good look at the photograph in this post of the Brewery Brothel District. The irony that he spent his career trying to claim his motivations were inspired by his zeal for social justice to help the poor does not go unnoticed.


I've been sent information that while under the employ of "Catholics United", Eric McFadden claimed Bishop Frederick Campbell had called McFadden in to terrorize:

I'm redacting information of the victims of "Catholics United" - but the following letter was sent to Fr. Pavone in an attempt to get help after being bullied by the sociopath & sex predator during a mail drop in the 2008 elections:

Dear Fr. Pavone:

I worked with the Catholic Coalition for McCain here in Columbus, Ohio.

Preparing for the Catholic Coalition Literature drop on Sunday, Nov. 2nd, we read with assurance that you had contacted Catholics United and indicated you'd consider legal action if prolifers around the country were prevented from exercising our freedom of speech on public access church parking lots.

The harrassment, intimidation and stalking many "teams" of prolifers in Columbus diocese experienced at the hands of Eric McFadden, a wayward Knight of Columbus - who started "Knights for Obama" was despicable and embarrassing to all of us.

Many of the women were shocked and shaken by his verbal threats, taking photos of them and their car license plates. He also physically blocked them in and prevented them from moving off the parking lot.

He will be charged in both Upper Arlington, Ohio and Columbus, Ohio (as it happened in churches in both cities) He claimed he worked for our bishop, Fredrick Campbell. He most likely was called by several of the priests because he seemed to keep showing up at several parishes that we had trouble with angry priests.

Two interesting revelations in this letter.

One, McFadden was under the employ of Catholics United.

Two, Bishop Frederick Campbell and some of the priests in his diocese were employing "Catholics United", and in fact a pimp and sexual predator to use threats and intimidating conduct to prohibit Catholics from distributing the teachings of the Church in parishes where wayward priests are misleading their flocks.

I'm trying to extract the names of the priests in the diocese from the victims to publish - as well as include in the paper trail I'll be sending to the USCCB

I'll also be calling contacting the spokesperson for the Bishop to let him know the kind of characters "Catholics United" uses to intimidate and threaten and let him know I intend on filing a formal complaint against him at the USCCB office for "protecting children". Not only does it sound like he didn't go through a CORI process, if he's willing to use thuggery of sexual sociopaths to silence adult faithful Catholics - I don't think children are very "safe" in his diocese.

In case I've not made it clear kind of character Bishop Campbell and his priests used, the following post from McFadden's sex reviews should clear up any confusion. The man was so sexually obsessed, he had sex with three prostitutes in one evening. I hope the priests didn't let McFadden use the rest rooms where children are vulnerable:

Rainy Sunday Night Threesome

Damn - where to begin. I am not sure what got into me tonight - I have not done this in years....

I am on my way home from a friends - and found myself on W. Broad around 6:00pm - imagine that - sooo It is raining cats and dogs - so I figure not much out- right? WRONG - I see this tall girl on W. Broad and Richardson - basically a fatty -about 5'10 or so - says her name is _____ - 21 - she is cute though and has long hair - so I figure - not really up to my standards, but I got a big load built up that needs deposited - so she goes for a Jackson, so good news for the bargain hunters and we do the need -CBJCIM nearby - I dropped her off near Wilson and Broad. - she has digits. Great - however I am feeling tad bit horny still - sooo

I drive around a bit - see some skanks here and there - saw Ashleigh down in the bottoms - the bottoms _________ - but I had her not long ago and am looking for something else - then around 7:30pm I see __________ - she is about 5'5, long black hair curly. Cute face - says 26 yrs -She was near Broad and Avondale. so she gets a bit naked for me - has some nice little t**ties and a nice *ss to play with - we go to my favorite spot and another CIM. Dropped her off at Sully and Dakota. She has digits

I am still a bit antsy - not sure why - drive around a bit more - see some BSWs and some more skanks - then I pop up on these three WSWs behind Wendys near Central around 9:15pm- I did not get good looks at the others - because the one was WOW - turns out her name is _______ - 19 - about 5'8 red hair , nice firm D cups - awesome *ss - just a nice tight 19 year old body - dressed nice, nice skin and smells good - so I figure what the f*ck - and off we go - turns out she remembers me and I remember her now - I reported on her last summer - she went by ____ then - I think that is her real name- she was dressed a bit skimpier then. Off to my favorit place - she has a great box and let me play with it - sucked on this nice melon size firm natural t*ts for a...

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