Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's with the name Kennedy?

Here's another one gone off the deep end.

MAVERICK priest Father Peter Kennedy says he will lead a breakaway congregation if Brisbane's catholic Archbishop forces him to leave St Mary's Church.

I'll bet everyone staying can hardly wait for their freedom to crack open the Catechism and teach the sanctity of life and human sexuality in the congregation.

There's so much malarkey, you could spend all day fisking it but here are some highlights:

1. There's truth in numbers

There are more Roman Catholics in Australia than any other religious group. Each week, St Mary's attracts large congregations while many more orthodox Catholic parishes struggle to fill pews.

Of course, the biggest congregation in town is Hooters but Kennedy is vowing to have a g-string and pastie liturgy to compete.

2. Can't a girl have her promiscuity blessed and preach to overcome her inferiority complexes?

The church - where women can preach, homosexual couples can be blessed and social justice is championed - has a congregation of about 700 that would be the envy of many parishes.

I know what you're thinking. What about all the poor people in town having Ménage à trois and cheating on their spouses without sex blessings for the mating rituals. It's a downright shame.

700 in a congregation stinks, actually.

Sounds like the Bishop took action just in time as somebody recently took matters into their own hands when the Buddhist monk statue showed up in the sanctuary:

In 2004 St Mary's incurred the Archbishop's ire after a disaffected person reported baptismal liturgies were being changed slightly.

The Archbishop's intervention this time was sparked by complaints made directly to The Vatican by a conservative parishioner who raised several issues, including the Buddhist monk statue.

The little figure - which has since been stolen from the church and smashed - was provided for a Buddhist meditation group which meets weekly in St Mary's.

Boston has been a decade or two ahead of the universe with this kind of jazz. It has long fizzled out. Ironically the final curtain came down with Walter Cuenin and his uprising of people listening to Voices inside of their heads and the demise of Rev. Bob Bullock (who shared an office with Boston's most notorious pedophile and kept quiet about the comings and goings of teens and diverted attention from his own guilt by playing a role in Voice of the Faithful to find the culpits of silence!) . The glory days never materialized. The diocese placed Walter at college to mislead Jewish women and the faction fell apart. Passive/aggressive antisemitism at it's finest.

There are still a few fires of foolishness here and there throughout the diocese, but for the most part, their empire is listless and they have nobody to pass the torch on to. Even Arch Street had to clean up their porn blessings. (Rumor has it Rev. Convertino is in the process of being removed, if he has not been so already.) We have definitely turned the corner.

Please keep this flock with excommunications looming over their heads in your prayers.

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