Thursday, February 26, 2009

Crawling out of the Woodwork

Debra Haffner, former President of SIECUS has posted a comment in this post

She's taking issue with making the sexual abuse of children promoted in SIECUS relevant to her vocational devotion as the President of SIECUS.

The principles of the Many-Boy Love Association are what they are and nobody would become President of the initiative while claiming you were against child abuse. Life just doesn't work that way.

The principles of SEICUS include enticing parents to masturbate their children. SIECUS also promotes pedophilia.


Thought I'd post quote from this page - just for the record.

A passage from Debra Haffner’s article “Safe Sex and Teens” in the September-October 1989 SIECUS Report is quite open about what it wants for our children. “Colleagues and I have fantasized about a national ‘petting project’ for teenagers….A partial list of safe sex practices for teens could include: Talking, Flirting, Dancing, Hugging, Kissing, Necking, Massaging, Caressing, Undressing each other, Masturbation alone, Masturbation in front of a partner, Mutual masturbation. Teens could surely come up with their own list of activities.”

Based on magazine ads, movies and television…yes…teens “could surely come up with” quite a list of sexual activities. But is that what we want our children to do? Indulge in sexual promiscuity?

Even more amazing than the list of extracurricular sex suggestions from Haffner’s article is the general premise of SIECUS that these activities are a form of abstinence from sex. In fact, some creative educators actually coined a special word for this brand of abstinence…outercourse…as opposed to intercourse.

In the old days, before enlightenment by the likes of SIECUS and Planned Parenthood, these “outercourse” activities were just the types of activities that led many a teen into intercourse. If avoiding intercourse is their true goal, one has to wonder why Haffner and her colleagues felt that empowering teens to explore highly charged eroticism is preferable to abstinence.

The history of SIECUS provides endless examples of this type of sexual conundrum…having more sex to avoid having sex. In 1977, Time began its article, “Cradle-to-Grave Intimacy,” quoting Mary Calderone saying that a child has a fundamental right “to know about sexuality and to be sexual”.

“Cultivating” the sexuality of children was of prime importance to Calderone and others. Adopting a Kinseyan philosophy that children are sexual from birth, few in this circle of “sexperts” saw any need to restrict the sexual behaviors of people…and children. Their concerns actually focused on repelling any attempts to limit or restrain sex, seeing these as repressive and counter to human design.

In 1981, Calderone co-authored The Family Book about Sexuality that asserted, “The major effects of such incidents [molestation] are caused not by the event itself but by the outraged, angry fearful, and shocked reactions of the adults who learn of it….It is these immoderate reactions which may cause whatever psychological damage occurs.”

Today, SIECUS guidelines for sex education are 112 pages long. Read carefully. You will find Calderone’s and Haffner’s same philosophy on sex underlying the core ideas of SIECUS and the activities they recommend for children.

and here

Level 1 (Ages 5 to 8):
  • Both girls and boys have body parts that feel good when touched.

  • Vaginal intercourse occurs when a man and a woman place the penis inside the vagina.

  • Human beings experience different kinds of loving.

  • Most men and women are heterosexual, which means they will be attracted to and fall in love with someone of the other gender.

  • Some men and women are homosexual, which means they will be attracted to and fall in love with someone of the same gender.

  • Homosexuals are also known as gay men and lesbian women.

  • Many people live in lifetime committed relationships, even though they may not be legally married.

  • Touching and rubbing one's own genitals to feel good is called masturbation.

  • Some boys and girls masturbate and others do not.

  • Masturbation should be done in a private place.

  • Adults often kiss, hug, touch and engage in other sexual behavior with one another to show caring and to share sexual pleasure.

Level 2 (Ages 9 to 12):
  • Sexual intercourse provides pleasure.

  • Sexual orientation refers to whether a person is heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.

  • A bisexual person is attracted to both men and women.

  • Why a person has a particular sexual orientation is not now known.

  • Homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual people are alike except for their sexual attraction.

  • Gay men and lesbians can adopt children or have their own children.

  • Masturbation is often the first way a person experiences sexual pleasure.

  • Many boys and girls begin to masturbate for sexual pleasure during puberty.

  • Couples have different ways to share sexual pleasure with each other.

  • Being sexual with another person usually involves more than sexual intercourse.

  • A woman faced with an unintended pregnancy can carry the pregnancy to term and raise the baby, place the baby for adoption, or have an abortion to end the pregnancy.

  • Abortion is legal in the United States.

  • Abortion must be performed by a physician or other licensed health provider.

  • A legal abortion is very safe.

Who'd believe Haffner became President as some kind of shrewd boycott of an organization that pushes intercourse and abortion on a nine year old among various other pedophile acts.

My mother did not raise a fool.


  1. Ms. McKinley, first of all, I was President of SIECUS from 1988 to 2000, and if you do your research, you will find I and the organization was unequivocal in our opposition to adult/child sexualized contact of any kind. But, second, I just read the link provided, and you are completely distorting what it says. Surely you remember that Scripture calls us to truth telling. I am sure that you could find things that I DO stand for to be opposed to rather than making things up. Start with the web site of my faith based organization, But, please be sure to quote us exactly.

    Blessings in the name of truth,

    The Reverend Debra W. Haffner

  2. That you were on board this nightmare of a mission for twelve years claiming to oppose it's tenets speaks for itself.

    If you opposed what they were doing to the Jews at Auschwitz, you wouldn't be a zealous volunteer for the Third Reich.

    Sorry - but there is no distortion of the pedophilia and sexualization of infants and children of SIECUS. You call yourself a "sexologist", you driving some kind of whacky machine to sexualize children from the moment they come out of the womb and before and then claim this is how you are carrying out parental discretion about sexual matters for their own children. You are brainwashing people with trash. Let's keep Jesus and Scripture out of it, for the sake of all that is pure and holy and sanctified.

    I have been through the filth and plenty of it.

    We'll have to agree to disagree.


    Carol McKinley
