Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Freakin Creepin Infallibility

Tom Doyle is back in the news.

Doyle made history here in Boston about a decade ago when a small group of area Catholics vetted the credentials of speakers at the 2002 "Voice of the Faithful" Convention in Boston and sent in a few moles to take notes on what was said.

Among the list of knuckleheads was Debra Haffner of SIECUS whose ideas include promoting masturbating infants to nourish your child's sexuality, etc.

Unfortunately, Tom Doyle topped that kooky act:

"We can no longer depend on a magical notion of the sacraments and the priests and bishops who administer them. By sustaining the erroneous magical thinking about the sacraments we also sustain the false notion of the power that clerics hold over the believers"

Doyle's molestation of the Sacraments continued in 2004 when he decided to do away with the "strong custom" of Mass at an Air Force Base he was serving:

"Catholics do not have a right to daily Mass, according to church law. Daily Mass is a strong custom, but not ''an essential element of the practice'' of the faith."

Thanks to Archbishop Edwin O'Brien, that was the end of Doyle's career as a practicing priest.

Doyle pops up in the news from time to time, misleading village idiots across the globe.

A priest friend of mine sent me Doyle's most recent buffoonery in which he claims Roy Bourgeois, who participated in women's "ordination" debuchary was duped.

Really. It could happen to anyone.

Grab several hundred jelly donuts on a Sunday morn, pretend you're a priest, throw on vestments, give a speech on how the Pope is oppressing sexuality, simulate sacraments and tell people to come to your service instead of St. Mary's across the street.

What's all the hub-bub.

Can't a gal simulate sacraments, build a "church" around those simulations, without being accused of intentional acts of heresy and schism?

The complexities of falsifying credentials and faking transubstantiation is a clandestine and subjective process.

It’s clear from Roy’s response to the Congregation that he had no intention of separating himself from the Catholic Church and probably had no idea of the complexities or requirements for entering schism in the first place....
It has never been officially defined as an infallible teaching that only men can be validly ordained unless one buys into the very dubious and non-historically based theory of "creeping infallibility."
It's freakin creepin infallibility, says Tom, Irish logic: I said it because it's so and it's so because I said it.

Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church.
Verily I say unto you, What things soever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and what things soever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Christ, obedient. The Word made Flesh.

Mary, the handmaiden of the Lord.

Church triumphant.

It's all completely lost to Tom Doyle.

Doyle's screed put pins in his Bishop Burke voodoo doll (whom he "affectionately" calls "Lord Ray Burke" over the excommunications at St. Stanislaus.

Bishop Burke explains the Stanislaus schism here and gives a beautiful explanation of "Irish Logic":
The power in question belongs to Christ alone, who continues to guide the Church through those who act in His person as shepherd and head of the flock, in virtue of the Sacrament of Holy Orders and the jurisdiction conferred by the Holy Father, the Vicar of Christ on earth, and the bishops in communion with the Holy Father. It is precisely when we place ourselves above Christ and His authority in the Church that we introduce division into the Body of Christ.

Let's cut to the chase.

Doyle ends his thesis with wisdom he learned at AA~the reason God created churches was because they don't have board games in heaven.

No doubt from somebody whose brain was pickled from the sauce.

I digress.

Right above that pearl of wisdom, Doyle wrote:

If one believes in the traditional concept of heaven, with God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary looking down on all of us, they must be falling all over each other with laughter at the antics of the collection of consecrated buffoons who are blindly trying to shove the entire church back into the 15th century.

Dude, you're about 15 centuries off the mark.

We never got out of Golgotha.


  1. This IS a blatant lie about my position on childhood sexuality. You are describing child abuse. If such lies continue here, we will take action. My views on raising sexually healthy children are in my book, From Diapers to Dating. Feel free to quote them, but it is surely immoral to make things up.

    The Reverend Debra W. Haffner

  2. Do threats work well for you?

    They're unfortunately, not going to work here.

    Let me say it another way. SEICUS promotes sexually abusing children and in fact, says that what makes pedophilia damaging, is the reaction when people find out.

    SEICUS gives out explicit instructions on how to masturbate you infant and gives intellectual merit and license to people who look for excuses to enjoy sex with children under 18 - from the time they are brought home from the hospital until the time they are of legal age and beyond.

    You were the President of SEICUS.

    There are people working at abortion mills who claim they are not prochoice.

    The President of the Man-Boy Love Association can claim all he wants that his position about childhood sexuality excludes child abuse.

    Reasonable people are not going to swallow it.

    You may have had a change of heart. If that is so, congratulations. But don't troll the internet claiming SEICUS is about changing diapers and your first chaperoned date at the movies and threatening people who expose the pimps in adademia.
