Somebody has blown a hole through the "study" they used to mislead Catholics. has Kmiec, Cafardi and the Alliance megalomaniacs in an awful bind.The old version of the report was removed from the site in November 2008 after critics pointed out problems with the study.
“The new version provides evidence that welfare policy has no more than a marginal effect on the incidence of abortion,” he argued. “In fact, the new regression results indicate that none of the three welfare policies which the authors previously argued were effective tools for reducing the incidence of abortion have a substantial abortion reducing effect.”
According to New, the new regression results indicate that the presence of family caps limiting the number of children eligible for additional welfare benefits “has only a marginal effect” on state abortion rates.
New argued that the report’s statistical results are not consistent across time.
He also criticized the report’s finding that parental involvement laws and other state laws restricting abortion have little impact on overall abortion rates.
“Since parental involvement laws only directly affect minors, Wright should have mentioned that analyzing their effects on the overall abortion rate is not a methodologically sound way to gauge their actual impact,” New wrote.
The argument that informed consent laws are ineffective, New claimed, fails to acknowledge the “substantial differences” in the effects of informed consent laws that have been enacted and those that have been nullified. By the report’s criteria, New argued, the results provide evidence that informed consent laws are effective.
Unfortunately, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good continues to miss the boat and mislead the public. There exist plenty of peer reviewed studies which find that public funding restrictions and parental involvement laws reduce the incidence of abortion. However, instead of acknowledging the positive impact of pro-life legislation and constructively working with pro-lifers to promote social policies that will further reduce abortion rates, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good seems primarily interested in providing moral, political, and theological cover for supporters of Barack Obama and other Democrats who support “abortion rights.” Unfortunately, their latest study indicates that their original findings have been unable to withstand serious scrutiny.
Do read through the posts on their website.
You'd have to be mentally impaired to think five hundred dollars a month from welfare is going to impact a woman contemplating abortion.
If you want to live in a home, have food on the table, heating oil in the tank, clothes, a car to transport for your needs - welfare would have to pony up to 50 thousand a year before money was scratched off the list of obstacles overcome.
It isn't the money. People have been lied to. Nobody in their right mind would kill their own child, anymore than they would take a slave. It's a lack of a moral compass.
It's the sacrifice and hard work.
It's women who don't want a lifetime reminder of sleeping with irresponsible man or a stranger.
Yeah, I just saw this thing. The moniker "schtick" just about touches it with a needle, methinks.