Saturday, March 21, 2009

At the Cross I bend my knee, where You Shed Your Blood for me

You Tore the Veil, You Made the Way when You Said that IT is DONE!

Do treat yourself to this video:

We've got a Cardinal who thinks it's ok to contract people to kill other people.

If we don't stop him, he's about to make it the Gospel of Life in the Catholic Church in America.

The time for fasting has arrived.

If you're medically able, fast from food for three days and intense, mystical prayer. If you are not medically able, fast from television if that is your gig, fast from people who are leading you down a wrong path, fast from something you love and enjoy and frequent. Fast kiddies.

I won't be around today to blog - I have a wedding. Enjoy this gorgeous day.

May you day be filled with the warmth of the Love of the Greatest Love that ever was and ever will be!

hat tip to Mike for the video!

1 comment:

  1. Lets face it with faith and fortitude. Look the problem right in the eyes. Christ said a three day fast will drive out the devil. We can all do three days, can we not? Say 1000 of us fast for three days and we ask sincerely that God removes the filth, the devils that confuse the Bishops, imagine the change we will see and if we do it again before the end of lent we can nail some more. The fast is in the Old Testament the shepherds who were punished for their false idols were directed by God to fast on a quart of water and 8 ounces of bread made from bean flour
