This week, there'll be plenty of mooching off teenagers at Chez McKinley.
I attended a wedding yesterday (my oldest was the maid of honor ) at the Colonnade here in Boston. Running around doing a few errands before the wedding, I lost my debit card.
Don't you hate when that happens? I even buy my two dollar coffee with my debit card.
But, before I left for the wedding, I had a nice little exchange with Henry Karlson, representing the cult mentality and Mark DeFrancisis representing testosterone free men that I believe is worth fisking on this beautiful Sunday morn. The cult mentality manifested itself in the usual and customary ways.
As "lay thugs" are all waiting around for the National Catholic Bioethics Center to "assure" Cardinal O'Malley's hiring of people to kill other people is morally ethical and permissible, respectable people and gentlemen have all kinds of quotes from theologians and saints to crack the code. Cardinals and Bishops indeed have the authority to kill, mame, rape, steal or hire people who'll do it to women and children.
In Henry Karlson's mind, Cardinal O'Malley's hiring people to kill other people is living out the fiat of Christ's words "do THIS in memory of Me" and the role of lay people is to consider it an honor to serve out these directives from "Princes of the Church".
After Christ's Rescurrection, when He gathered the Apostles to build the framework for the Catholic Church, Christ explained "You are Princes now" and how to set structures to give Nero leads and referrals, the Jews to Hitler, the unborn to their executioners.
The reason Christ handed Himself over to a painful death and execution was to renew the face of the earth with a civilization that doesn't surrender ideologically but tells others they can and should and pays them to do it.
The doctrine of the Sacrificial Lamb is, we don't let people kill us before we collaborate with the culture of death, we sacrifice people into it. Other people die spiritually and physically and we materially cooperate. That's what the Crucifix of Jesus Christ stands for in Henry Karlson's mind.
When the Aztecs buildeth the mountains, the Princes of the Church set up the pearly gates at the bottom of the mountain to flow the money and people through on their way up with the infants and virgins.
Any Catholic saying "hey wait a minute" is a lay thug.
Have you been made a "prince of the Church"?, asks Karlson.
As they're in the stands of this Roman Coliseum where lucid thoughts are nowhere to be found, feeding humanity to the lions, Mark DeFrancisis represents the court jesters who arrive on the scene to ridicule and taunt Catholics who have somehow managed to escape all the various forms of spiritual insanity roaming the Sanctuary looking to devour.
Are people actually accusing Bishops outright of failing to defend orthodoxy?
Oh Heavens, no. That would be a preposterous allegation.
Don't you know there's a broad interpretation of Catholic moral theology?
(The same "broad Catholic moral theology" DeFrancisis used to get on board Catholics for Obama)
Realizing he had an educated person on his hands, unable to make headway with logic, DeFrancisis went back to his respectful gentleman bag of tricks, made presumptions about my spirituality, uses the word "zealotry" as though it's a bad thing, incredulously after a Savoir who hangs from a Crucifix and 2000 years of martyrdom, implies we're ignorant that "friends" like him might hate us and therefor, we must have no friends at all and my personal favorite, we're mental:
Your zealotry is so becoming.
I am sure it wins many friends. Of course, you must save the Church, as I surmise you believe, so I should not worry about your friendships, as you think you have bigger fish to fry...
Oh..,the Church in all its glory is gathering here now...
You all are going to build such a civilization of love, aren’t you?...
You need serious, serious help....
However, when the schoolyard bully was stood up to, and I debunked his talking points, he had a sissy moment and ran for the editors:
Where is your moderatiing here?
This woman knows nothing about me, nor my faith’ and is on a complete rampage. She is veering towards complete hysteria.
I know nothing about HIM and his FAITH but he knows all about me.Some people can dish out presumptuousness about other people's spirituality, ridicule commitments to the faith of the Church, it's teachings and the most vulnerable members in society, employ specious guilt by association - but they turn to jello when a mirror is held up to their own faces.
This dynamic has been intimidating faithful and Good Catholics from speaking up in the public square. Discouraging us, trying to make it appear as if Catholics are forbidden to get angry and unravel the "theology" of a Cardinal hiring people to kill other people and saying it's consistent with the Gospel of Life, trying to undermine our spirituality as repulsive to humanity or lacking in love and compassion, personally attacking to silence us.
I dont' think so boys. But hey, knock yourselves out trying.
by Fr. George W. Rutler
March 22, 2009
by Fr. George W. Rutler
March 22, 2009
Laetare Sunday, marking the midpoint in the path to Easter, is also a road sign to our eternal home. This is not escapism: to know that Heaven is the goal is a formula for making the best of our days on earth. To be “part way there” means that there is a there, unlike Gertrude Stein’s opinion of Oakland, California, that “there is no there there.”
Christ walked “up to Jerusalem” in order to go up to Heaven, and his cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem was his sign that he would also cleanse human minds and hearts to “go up” with him. The mind and heart, that is, the intellect and will, compose the soul, with the intellect consisting of the imagination and reason. Our Lord cleanses by being “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” As the Way, he guides the imagination to a perception of eternity. As the Truth, he aids the reason to grasp the truth. As the Life, he guides the will to choose life. Just as corrupt men had defiled the Temple, Satan corrupts the soul: He would have us imagine things hellish instead of heavenly, and rationalize lies, and choose death. Baptism cleanses the soul of these corruptions, and Confession is a sort of regular maintenance for the cleansed soul.
Jesus knew of Heaven—“In my Father’s house are many mansions…” (John 14:2)—and so he becomes angry when the Temple, as an earthly sign of Heaven, is turned into a bourgeois marketplace. And that anger is also kindled when he sees sin defiling the human soul. As St. Paul says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit…?” (1 Cor. 6:19). Christ’s wrath is always righteous because it focuses on evil. He never loses his temper: He finds it to cleanse corruption.
Divine anger is not a weakness of God, but a sign of his perfection. It is a sign of God’s love for those whom he does not want to lose along the way. Another sign of God’s love is his tears, as when he wept for Lazarus and for all Jerusalem that would be gathered to him. As his sons and daughters, we have the gift of holy anger which is destructive only when we “lose our temper.” The solution is to find it, and that we do when we confess our sins, directing our anger at the Prince of Lies. Along with this confession comes the gift of tears, of which man alone among all creatures can shed, for the human being is not made for this world alone: “Our immortality/Flows thro’ each tear—sounds in each sigh.”
Divine wrath saves us from losing our temper and wasting our tears. “The wrath of God is revealed from Heaven…” (Romans 1:18). And it is revealed from Heaven so that we might arrive there.
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I have read the comments on Tito's blog. Am I wrong in finding some of them demeaning in the extreme. I would like to make a comment here upon obedience. I too have a great deal of angst over my obedience. Let me quote Fr Peyton on the subject, from his autobiography. He had problems with obedience in a way, but as he said thankfully. His order practiced reasonable obedience which he felt became the obedience of Vat 2. This obedience is not blind nor is it forcing one's opinionated wishes on people against their free will. God does not do violence to our free will, so neither should we.
ReplyDeleteThe points made against those of us who legitimately criticize the hierarchy can and are defended by three great saints of the Church
Canesius, Aquinas and Borromeo, who said the same in various ways even a pontiff in error must be corrected.
First of all I must also say, "To still a beating heart without a proper reason, and a human cannot give a proper reason to still creation, is a grave action taken against God's creative act. There is no basis of discussion on this point unless we decide two things are possible to us in this world.
Can we debate this point with the Lord of Creation? Can we create a Body and Soul and unite them together and therefore have the authority to end our own work?
Stick with it Carol! There are many many people who depend on you & your honest reporting. Thomas Beckett remained the loan Bishop in England during the reformation, can we expect anything better in our times?