Saturday, March 7, 2009

Caritas Arrangement is Getting a Second Opinion

Cardinal O'Malley has posted a nice pastoral blog post mentioning the people doing a disservice to the Church who have given him cause to seek a second opinion regarding the abortion referrals at Caritas Christi.

Ahem. Um... Moving right along...

There has been a significant amount of public dialogue concerning my statement yesterday (as copied below) about the proposed arrangement involving Caritas Christi Health Care with the Commonwealth Care Program.

To be perfectly clear, Caritas Christi will never do anything to promote abortions, to direct any patients to providers of abortion or in any way to participate in actions that are contrary to Catholic moral teaching and anyone who suggests otherwise is doing a great disservice to the Catholic Church. We are committed to the Gospel of Life and no arrangement will be entered into unless it is completely in accord with Church teaching.

Recognizing the complexity of the proposed arrangement, I will ask the National Catholic Bioethics Center to review the arrangement and to provide me their opinion.

I'm posting my letter to the folks at the bioethics center below and will be encouraging others to do so.

----Original Message-----
Cc:; Cardinal O'Malley, Vicar General,;;
Sent: Sat, 7 Mar 2009 1:44 pm
Subject: the Integrity of Conscious Protections at Caritas Christi

March 8, 2009


Dear Dr. Haas, Dr. Hilliard, Father Cioffi and Father Tad,

It is my understanding that Cardinal O'Malley has asked the favor of your opinion in the abortion referral controversy surrounding the Archdiocescan Caritas Christi Healthcare System.

You should know that in March of 2008,
Attorney General Martha Coakley in her role of overseeing public charities, released a public report with the assertions that the Catholic Church was mismanaging the Caritas Christ Health Care System and pressured the Archdiocese to cede control of the operation of Caritas Christi Health Care System so that an independent board with expertise in healthcare management can run it.

You should also know that Caritas Christi is withholding the details of the structure of that board by failing to file their annual reports with the Secretary of State disclosing the names of it's officers and directors and also refusing to answer structure/identity questions about Board and this has eroded the trust that decisions in conflict with the Catholic religion is being done in good faith. We do know that the Cardinal has retained the authority to review and veto proposals of services and arrangements that conflict with integrity of our Catholic mission.

As to the current controversy, last week, prol ifers found out that the Caritas Christi Board was negotiating with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to provide healthcare services that included contraception and abortion coverage. A board member of the Massachusetts agency that grants approvals for insurers to participate in the plan subsequently objected to Caritas' ability to provide full services due to Catholic restrictions on performing abortions.

In response to that objection on Feb. 26,
Caritas and it's partner in the venture, Centene, issued a joint statement stating their new venture “will contract with providers, both in and out of the Caritas network, to ensure access to all services required by the Authority, including confidential family planning services.”

March 3rd Caritas further clarified the arrangement by saying Caritas “will contract with a multitude of health care providers in Massachusetts similar to the HMO contracts held by Tufts, BC/BS, and Harvard Pilgrim. These contracts are negotiated by Centene, Inc., the majority owner of CFHP.”

When asking specific questions directed to Cardinal O'Malley and Caritas Christi about how the dynamics of this proposal would compromise Catholics who are supposed to be protected from the supression of free expression of the teachings of the Church about the sanctity of life and moreoever, material cooperation in the woman's abortion - we have been denied answers.

On March 5th, Cardinal O'Malley released a public statement that appears to contradict Caritas Christi:

I want to confirm for the Catholic community and the wider interested public that Caritas Christi Health Care has assured me that it will not be engaged in any procedures nor draw any benefits from any relationship which violate the Church's moral teaching," O'Malley said in a statement released by the archdiocese late yesterday.

Archdiocesan spokesman Terrence C. Donilon further stated that "Caritas would not be cooperating with abortion services by joining the venture because the hospital network will not perform abortions or other services that violate Catholic teachings, will not refer patients to other providers who offer such procedures"

You can't have it both ways~Since Caritas has been straightforward that the arrangment will require referring the woman out of "network" to get the abortion - and C ardinal O'Malley and his spokesperson has said that there will be no referrals from Caritas for abortions, I do not see how these statements could possibly coexist.

Today, March 7th, the Cardinal in his post to his blog that those of us "doing great disservice to the Church" by asking questions about material cooperation in the abortion referral arrangement, he mentions the word "complexities" of this referral system and has asked for the assistance from the National Catholic Bioethics Center.

To be perfectly clear, Caritas Christi will never do anything to promote abortions, to direct any patients to providers of abortion or in any way to participate in actions that are contrary to Catholic moral teaching and anyone who suggests otherwise is doing a great disservice to the Catholic Church. We are committed to the Gospel of Life and no arrangement will be entered into unless it is completely in accord with Church teaching.
Recognizing the complexity of the proposed arrangement, I will ask the National Catholic Bioethics Center to review the arrangement and to provide me their opinion.

Judging from the public statements above, the "complexities" of the arrangement most likely involve a referral twice removed. Caritas physicians and healthcare workers will be forced to surpress discussi on that abortion is murdering her child, the negative impact to her spiritually and intellectually. They will be unable to engage in a discussing Evangelium Vitae and Humanae Vitae to persuade her or to talk about the excommunication involved or suggest she seek the guidance of a priest. Ultimately, I cannot see any other way for the woman to get the abortion 'out of network" other than the employee having to refer to phone numbers and instructions on how to get to the next physician who will then refer her to the abortion clinic.

My questions to you:

1. Are these not sins of omission being forced upon the employees of Caritas Christi?
2. Is the second degree abortion referrals of the Caritas employee matieral cooperation in the abortions?

Further questions arise:

Is it permissible for Catholics to respond
n conversations with friends, family, next door neighbor, coworker who mention they are pregnant and want to seek an abortion by referring them to a person who will support and facilitate their abortion?

Is this it permissible for priests to counsel the woman by sending her "out of network" to somebody who will support her abortion procedure?

I appreciate very much your clarifications regarding this new interpretation of Catholic doctrine. Many of us have toiling a lot of years guiding the consciences of the uncatechized, helping guide the woman to20the understanding of the teachings of the Church and we are having trouble processing these new directives. If we are wrong, we certainly owe a lot of mea culpas to a lot of people!

In Christ,

Carol McKinley
41 Lady Slipper Circle
Pembroke, MA 02359

cc: Apostolic Nuncio
Pope Benedict XVI

I'll be emailing this through my network and encouraging others to make contact - especially with the Nuncio and other Bishops who may be affected by this should Caritas fall. Some emails and phone numbers are below.

Ralph de la Torre, MD, President/CEO
Caritas Christi Health Care
77 Warren Street
Boston, MA 02135
Most Rev. Pietro Sambi, Apostolic Nuncio:
Fax: (202) 333-7121
Cardinal Sean O'Malley's receptionist:


  1. Carol,

    I've been trolling the internet looking for commentary on this situation and came across your blog. I too am deeply troubled and confused.

    It seems as though the Cardinal will now seek the opinion of Fr. Tad at the bioethics center whose integrity I trust and I look forward to reading his opinion.

    As a practicing anesthesiologist at a Catholic Hospital (in another state), I can tell you that this proposal is extremely disconcerting and threatening to Catholic doctors who generally accept positions at Catholic Hospitals at a lower salary for the benefit of never being in a position to compromise our own souls or worse, lead a patient who puts their trust in me to do something that will compromise their soul.

    I was educated in Boston and have many friends who are their wits end over this venture.

    A primary care physician is always the first point of entry in a patient with a crisis pregnancy in the system. In this system, the primary care physician will be forced to refer her out of the network.

    If it were true that Caritas as a tertiary primary care facility will deny abortion referrals, this would be a violation of the contract.

    God Bless

  2. Carol: God Bless you and thank you for firing Boston Catholics up to respond to this.

    The Cardinal's accusation that you and others are doing a great disservice to the Church is despicable.

    I hope he has the decency to say the same about J. Bryan Hehir once the Bioethics Center sets him straight on what he should already know.

    I found the below quote in the Pilot which seems the adjudicate the matter - and not in his favor. I think deserves it's own post?

    “Those providers are anticipated to include the six Caritas Christi Hospitals and approximately 33 other hospitals and 66 community health centers,” the statement said.

    “Caritas Christi Health Care wishes to make clear that at all times and in all cases we will observe the Ethical and Religious Directives of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the basic principles of Catholic moral theology,” said the statement.

    The document referenced by the Caritas statement “Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services,” states that Catholic health care institutions, “are not to provide abortion services, even based upon the principle of material cooperation.”

    Material cooperation is a Catholic moral term that refers to actions of cooperation with evil that can sometimes be permitted if there are proportionate reasons.

    “In this context, Catholic health care institutions need to be concerned about the danger of scandal in any association with abortion providers,” the document states.

    Caritas acknowledged in the statement that applying for participation in the state health plan is “a complex public policy process.’’

    Kudos Carol!

    Fr. Anonymous in the RCAB.

  3. Excellent find Father.

    I hope you don't mind, but I posted this on and the Cardinal's blog. (though my posts there say they are "waiting moderation")

    Dr. K.O.

  4. National Catholic Bioethics Center huh? Let's see who is on their Board of Directors?

    His Eminence Sean Cardinal O’Malley
    Archbishop of Boston

    Gee, I hope there is no undue influence. But, given who some of the people there are, I'm sure that it won't be clear sailing for him to get automatic approval.

  5. Carol,

    I'm flabbergasted.

    When I posted yesterday to Cardinal Sean's blog, the comments I posted where identical to what I have posted on other blogs, including yours.

    However, the Cardinal took the liberty to delete my references to the reasoning behind Catholic physicians accepting positions for the benefit of never being in a position to compromise our own souls and the souls of patients who put their trust us. He also cut the sentence saying I had many friends at Caritas who were at their wits end.

    I've cut and pasted it below so that you can compare.

    I find his edits a frightening indication of his character.

    My colleagues at Caritas fears that if they speak up, there will be retribution are not unfounded.

    Thank God that I followed my instinct and posted anonymously.

    Comment by Kevin | 2009/03/08 at 11:12:48

    Cardinal Sean,

    Thank you so much for seeking a second opinion.

    As a practicing anesthesiologist for 22 years in a Catholic hospital, I am now very confused about the teachings of the Church in terms of what is permissible and I look forward to reading the opinion of the Bioethics Center.

    Our pro-life initiative in was privileged to work with Fr. Tad when we were fighting stem cell legislation and can vouch for his doctrinal integrity and zeal for the Church.

    I’m sure you don’t recall, but we met once at a function near my summer home in Osterville when you were the Bishop in Fall River. I was most impressed with your humility and gentleness. I enjoy reading your blog and the photographs are magnificent.

  6. Kevin,

    It's entirely possible that the Cardinal's blog is not edited by him, but by somebody on his staff. But, I second your observation that deleting the references they did, it's the same old bunker mentality they reacted with when "those doing a great disservice to the Church" rat finked about the rapes of children.

    Any hope they'd react differently when the evil is killing children is not going to be realized in the Archdiocese of Boston.

    Al, I agree wholeheartedly. With the impeccable and faithful credentials of the NCBC, he's going to have a tough time getting them to agree to wiggle room. This is a no-brainer for Dr. Haas and Fr. Tad. Sadly, I have no trust at all that he wouldn't throw their hard-earned credibility right under the bus to prove abortion referrals are the Gospel of Life principles we've practiced for 2000 years.

    Keep praying!
