Friday, March 6, 2009

Correspondence with Caritas Christi Board and the Diocese

Is this group of men unaware that when a woman asks the physician at Caritas Christi for the phone number where she can get her abortion because they don't provide it, and he gives it to her, that doesn't constitute a "referral", an interference with the freedom to practice medicine or a violation of Catholic teachings?

-----Original Message-----
To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cardinal O'Malley
Sent: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 11:46 am
Subject: Fwd: how does the woman get to the abortion clinic?



As Officers and Directors of Caritas Christi, I am forwarding to you my communication below addressed to the Cardinal Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal O'Malley and his spokesperson, Mr. Donilon.

Mr. Donilon's remarks in the Boston Globe make the representation that no employee of Caritas will "refer" a pregnant woman to any institution that will provide her with an abortion or any information about abortion that is contrary to the teachings of the Church. Most of us are having a hard time getting specific information on what the actions from the time she is at Caritas Christi expressing she'd like an abortion and the conversations that have to take place in order to get her to the abortion clinic without referring her to something or somebody who'll help her carry out the action.

The definition of word "referral" in the context that would make a Roman Catholic an accessory to an abortion, violate the freedom of Catholic workers to practice medicine without violtions of their conscience, violate By-laws & Articles of Organization of Caritas Christi and the teachings of the Catholic Church, the Deposit of Faith and the Roman Pontiff are the following:

1. Any discussion between an employee of Caritas Christi that creates moral ambiuity or confusion about the violation of the Sixth Commandment regarding a procedural abortion.

2. Any action, verbal instructions or "referral" to contact a person, persons, entitities or institutions that will assist her in carrying out an abortion.

3. Any provision of material or reference to it that discussing abortion not in conformity with the teachings of the Catholic Church or written by advocates of abortion.

4. Any venture or partnership that would force any employee of Caritas Christi into a sin of omission. Explicitly, a sin of omission would be any prohibition of Evangelium Vitae or Humanae Vitae when a pregnant Catholic woman expresses her desire for an abortion.

Since the decision with the Commonwealth is due March 15th, faithfully practicing Catholics do not have time to waste to obtain legal action to restrain you from entering the venture to protect the temporal rights and freedoms of Roman Catholics in the Archdiocese of Boston.

A group of us would like to meet with the Board of Caritas and the Diocese with legal counsel to answer our specific questions about the role of the employees of Caritas Christi when a woman makes a request for an abortion or for that matter, contraception.

In the absence of hearing from a representative of the Board by the end of today, Friday, March 6th, we will proceed on Monday morning.

I may be reached at 781-987-4293
. If you would prefer to call C.J. Doyle of the Catholic Action League, whom I believe will be interested and may be reached at 617-534-6309.

As soon as I am finished with this email, I am going to go form a Massachusetts 501 (c)3 in the event we will be needing it Monday morning.

Please do not force us into doing this.

Carol McKinley

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