In Brideshead Revisited, Rex Mottram is determined to become a Catholic-- for reasons that have nothing to do with faith. Actually Rex has no interest whatsoever in questions of faith, and consequently he is quite happy to profess whatever beliefs are required of him....Rex Mottram would fit nicely into the Boston archdiocese. He would not ask questions. He would accept statements offered by the cardinal-archbishop, no matter how implausible those statements might seem.
(Best of all, Rex would toss folding money into the collection basket. Did I mention that the Annual Appeal begins this weekend?)
Cardinal O'Malley tells us that he has been assured a partnership formed by the Caritas Christi health-care chain will not violate Catholic moral principles-- despite the fact that the partnership will provide for abortions, sterilizations, and the whole panoply of medical services mandated by a state government program. Rex would find the cardinal's statement convincing.
When somebody shows you who they are, believe them.
Our religion is not a cult. It is neither sinful nor evil to unravel lies, even when the Cardinal is dishing them out for consumption.
There is no room to believe this elaborate set up to was done in good faith.
They know it's wrong because they set up a partnership to bait other people into doing what they wouldn't do themselves.
Even if you can logic your way around the child killed and the mother, the doctors and nurses exploited, the conscience protections of Catholics given away, the thousands who will have to quit their jobs or take blood money with consequences to their soul and their state of grace--- in the best case scenario, the Cardinal is baiting Centene employees, the mother, the cabdriver and the abortionist to commit a grave offense against God. Who would throw uncatechized people, poor people lost in the despair of an unplanned pregnancy into this debauchery?
This couldn't possibly be the one and same Gospel of Life of Christ Crucified. It is it's antithesis and it takes a nanosecond to fisk it.
There is no excuse for this and the lies to cover it up are as disturbing as the arrangement itself.
Another question...
ReplyDeleteWhy are you and Diogenes the only two Catholic bloggers writing about this? I think it's kind of a big deal...
Well, truth be told, I wrote about it too but my readership numbers in the single digits...
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you had a blog. I very much appreciate your writing about the story.
I think your question is a good one. A few things are happening. One, I think because our Catholic newspapers are not reporting on the story, news of this is not out there. The people it has been circulated to - may be waiting for further details. I do know of a few bloggers who are about to break the story that should help get news of this disaster around.
The other little problem we're dealing with is the cult mentality we've had a hard time breaking down internally.
Finally, as a result of the cult mentality, we never really dealt with putting in a structure where there is a level above the diocesan level that deals with corruption and reports directly to the Nuncio who reports to the Pope.
In my sojourn to get the captives released at Caritas Christi, I've mentioned this to a few of our good Bishops and tried to encourage them to consider a task force. We've got to deal with this flaw... and sooner rather than later. If we have massive corruption putting in FOCA and we can't get it reported, we can't get it published, we can't get our Bishops to join us in reviewing this breakdown in such a critical aspect of religious freedom in the United States - we've got more work to do structurally. The keep the faith change the church chants didn't have everything wrong. It was just hijacked!
email me your blog link and I'll post it!
Why are you and Diogenes the only two Catholic bloggers writing about this? I think it's kind of a big deal...
Both of you ladies commented on a certain Catholic lady's blog regarding this very issue.
In fact, Lynne's URL is attached to her comments, Carol.
And, if you google Catholic blogs, you'll find others who've written about it, too.
Yeah, it's kind of a big deal.
oops! Kelly! That's what happens when you're over tired.
ReplyDeleteKelly has some great posts up about it. I think I did see another one...the young kid..Peters. What's his blog name?
I'll have to do a round up. It is a wee bit underplayed considering the how big of a deal this is...
Hopefully, the next week or two should kick it up a few notches. I'll have to do a round up...
Howz those wedding plans? Hopefully, I won't get dragged out of the Cathedral by my ear!
Nighty nights.