Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mass Citizen for Life Waking Up?

A few weeks ago Mass Citizens for Life gave Cardinal O'Malley the benefit of the doubt.

"Massachusetts Citizens for Life continues to wait for Caritas Christi to respond to the organization's request for a meeting. Mass. Citizens seeks clarification of the Caritas statement that they would provide a full range of family planning services in partnership with the Centeme Corporation. That clarification has not been forthcoming.

We at Mass. Citizens are aware of the fact that Cardinal O'Malley is the ultimate authority on whether or not Caritas will continue to pursue the partnership. Over the years that Cardinal O'Malley has been a bishop in Massachusetts, his support for life from the moment of conception until natural death has been unwavering and an example to all. The officers and directors of Mass. Citizens have full confidence that the Cardinal's decision will continue his exemplary support for life."

How they could possibly have drawn any sincerity or confidence in the Cardinal, when both Caritas and the Commonwealth was in the public square contradicting the Cardinal about abortion referrals and has even given written assurances that Catholic personnel at Caritas would be compelled to give information about abortion that is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church, defies logic.

This week, Mass Citizens for Life is starting to smell the rat.

Massachusetts Citizens for Life has asked to meet with Caritas Christi to clarify their statement that they will provide a full range of "reproductive health services".

Although Caritas Christi has not yet responded to this request, Cardinal O'Malley has assured the public that partnership can go forward only if it receives approval from the NCBC.

Mass. Citizens for Life still questions the statement about full reproductive health care. The organization now has another serious concern. Caritas Christi has mounted an expensive and well planned advertising campaign. Why is the campaign starting now before the NCBC response?

There are now more questions than ever! Please email Ask how this campaign could have started when the Cardinal has said the partnership can go forward only if it receives approval from the National Catholic Bioethics Center.

How could it go forward as the Cardinal is waiting to find out if he can hire people to kill other people?

Gee, it's a real mystery.

Raise your hand if you think the Cardinal can hire somebody to kill people and then tell Catholics to give out the phone number.

Raise your hand if you think the Cardinal doesn't know he can't say "Gee, we don't do abortions here but, here's the phone number of somebody who will help you get one".

It's ludicrous to surmise the Cardinal is acting in good faith waiting four weeks to get answers about the absurd.

It was Holy Spirit that Planned Parenthood made Caritas promise in writing that Catholic employees would be forced to describe abortion in a positive light and give out the referrals and then gave it to the Boston Globe. Otherwise, the Cardinal would still be sending out blurbs saying we are liars and doing a disservice to the Church.

He's stifled opposition with lies.

He's waiting for weeks to tell him whether or not hiring people to kill people is the Gospel of Life.

Wake up.

Pray for the man. But, let us not aid and abet his delusions with pretense. He's caught in the snare. Free him with the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Don't permit people to make that ugly.

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