Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mass Citizens for Life Caves, Centene Clarifies One Issue

Paulson gets the sound byte here.

Essentially, MCFL says they know the Cardinal has the authority to choose to abortion referrals but they are confident in his dedication to sanctity of life.

Other than the death and destruction, Mrs. Lincoln enjoys the play.


Their cave was predicted in the grassroots prolife community.

Meanwhile, Centene sent over a statement that explains how they would handle a situation in which a patient seeks a service that a Catholic hospital will not provide:

"Like all managed care plans, our health plans contract with a full spectrum of providers to ensure that all benefits are available to members, as required and approved by our state regulatory agencies. If a provider does not perform certain medical services, that provider directs patients back to the health plan. Our health plans have local staff and 1-800 numbers available 24/7 for access to information on all services provided. This number and information about all services are readily available online and in printed materials. In Massachusetts, we will apply these same procedures."
The Catholic doctors and nurses will be giving out proabortion materials, the phone numbers and the website to book their abortion appointment.

The Cardinal is not referring women for abortions. No, no...this is the Gospel of Life. It's the Blessed Mother, I tell you.

Look, what Centene does is about 1/100th of the problem.

99% of the problem is what Cardinal is enforcing upon the doctors and nurses, the woman and the unborn child at Caritas Christi. Centene is just carrying out the Cardinals orders.

Further, for the Cardinal and Caritas to say they aren't making any money off the contract they're bidding on is preposterous.

Do check out the comments of a poster that has, up until the Centene statement, been on board with the material cooperation. He's now off the Cardinal's cheering bus and feels compelled to call the Chancery.

But, it's a little too late. Cardinal O'Malley has spent the week saying the people spreading rumors that Caritas was going to refer women out of network to get their abortions, were doing a great disservice to the Church. He bought himself the time he needed through intellectual dishonesty and a slanderous blog post about Church Militant to hold off the opposition.

What a tool.

Anyhoo...I still say there is something drastically wrong with the faithful to have such blatant statements before them saying Caritas employees would provide contraception services in and out of network, have the Commonwealth make that a stipulation of receiving the contract and the people be so utterly blind to lies they are being told by a Cardinal.


  1. Carol, I'm still hopeful that this stoey will have a happy ending, i.e. Caritas will have to back out.

    If that doesn't happen, this story is truly as bad as what was attempted in CT, it's the death of the Church in MA (at least the Archdiocese of Boston).

  2. Lynne,

    I agree with you. I think we have more than a 50% chance this has circled the pooper.

    Nighty nights!
