Today's Gospel: Baiting Others Into Sin
Jesus said to his disciples:
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.
I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.
Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away,
not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter
will pass from the law,
until all things have taken place.
Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments
and teaches others to do so
will be called least in the Kingdom of heaven.
But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments
will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.
The media is all abuzz with Pope Benedict XVI's warning about the trojan horse in the HIV pandemic in Africa.
To be honest, this was a hard sell to me the late 1980s or so when Pope John Paul II visited Tanzania and gave the same message. The one thorn in my paw to complete surrender in the teachings of the Catholic Church was contraception. Telling women not to use condoms in a place where men are controlled by their genitalia instead of their brains and HIV is everywhere added to my rebellion.
Here we are with a couple of more decades of experience under our belts and finding ourselves on the other side of the argument with people upset about Pope Benedict's message.
"Do you realize how dangerous it is for women to sleep with men in Africa, even their own husbands?"
"It's a death sentence. The men have no control and sleep with hundreds of women"
"What's better?", I said, "teaching them the difference between a man who loves with his whole heart and soul and an irresponsible lech or throwing them condoms?"
"You think a man with dozens of partners is going to be there for his wife when she falls sick or needs help with the children? He's going to be off screwing somebody else. We are keeping these women enslaved to jerks. As women, we owe them more. We owe them the teachings of how to spot love and commitment and loyalty and intimacy and devotion and monogamy and self respect and dignity. You want them chained to pigs all their lives?"
Earlier today in an email exchange with a solid Catholic young man disturbed by the Cardinal's defense of the Caritas abortion referrals, I expressed how baffled I was with how he could ever entertain letting the system under his guardianship take advantage of a distraught woman and delegate evil to phantom people whose salvation evidently doesn't exist to him.
Is that it now for evangelization for the Catholic Church in America?
Are we every man for himself?
We can contract killing and pay them for it?
We can take advantage of people who don't know any better?
The village idiot is somebody a Cardinal can now exploit?
This is the Gospel of Life for the luminaries in the Boston Chancery?
Isn't this the story of Eve? Holding out the apple for man to bite?
Are they so intellectually and spiritually numb that they don't find a problem with exploiting and baiting people into sin?
The Cardinal thinks people who object to this are doing a "great disservice to Christ"?
It's surreal. It isn't real. It isn't Truth.
Thank you to the many who sent the Terry Randall story today. It's a meme I've been all over in the fisking of Bryan Hehir's Caritas abortion crack pipe.
We have got to get rid of the secrecy over the corruption.
God Bless Randall Terry.
We have a few dozen faithful and courageous Bishops who should be doing what Randall Terry is doing and publish it. Enough of the secrecy and the good old boys.
Investigate the madness. Journal the madness. Blog the madness. Meet with the dicastries of the Vatican and compell them to discipline their Cardinals.
From the mailbag: Following the Example of St. Catherine of Sienna
By Randall Terry
We landed in Rome on February 28, dropped our bags at the hotel, and went
immediately to the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, where Saint
Catherine's incorrupt body is interred.
The group of us knelt before the high altar, begging her prayers for this
monumental mission.
Our pilgrimage was not a happy one. Our mission was to explain to various
Vatican officials the tragic role that certain American prelates played –
by their silence, inactivity, or erroneous statements – in the election of
Barack Obama, and in the continued shedding of innocent blood in America.
We presented them with our case: Oves Sine Pastore (Sheep Without a
Shepherd.) You can read the document at www.humbleplea.com.
It was clear that God heard our prayers – or at least the prayers of the
Saints we were invoking! Frankly, the meetings went better than I could
have dreamed. From March 2-6, we had a total of nine meetings. Before
giving you an overview, let me tell you with whom the nine of us met:
His Excellency, Archbishop Raymond L. Burke, Prefect, Apostolic Signatura;
His Eminence, Antonio Cañizares Llovera, Cardinal, Prefect, Congregation
for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments;
His Eminence, James Francis Stafford, Cardinal, Major Penitentiary,
Apostolic Penitentiary;
Father Thomas Powers, Congregation for Bishops;
His Excellency, Rino Fisichella, Titular Archbishop of Voghenza,
President, Pontifical Academy for Life;
Father Kevin Lixey, Pontifical Council for the Laity;
Father Victor Ghillo, Pontifical Council for the Family; and
Monsignor Anthony R. Frontiero, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
In addition to these, Joseph Landry and I met with Monsignor Richard
Soseman, from the Congregation for Clergy. Sadly, the Congregation of the
Doctrine of the Faith did not meet with us, but a staffer took a copy of
Oves Sine Pastore.
Much time was made for us by those who received us, and we were warmly
received by almost all parties. Nevertheless, the audiences had a sense
of the burden of grief to them, because of the life and death content of
our message.
Our message was simple: the shackles of fear and corruption are on the
hands of most American Bishops: will the Holy See be indifferent, or use
the keys of St. Peter to unlock these chains? When will this scandal end?
We showed them the heart wrenching, yet well-documented proof that many of
America’s bishops – and perhaps the majority of them – do not uphold the
teachings of the Church regarding the sacredness of Holy Communion, nor
are they obeying the clarion call of Evangelium Vitae to defend the
innocent unborn in the political sphere.
We were polite, respectful, yet clear in our message. We did not sacrifice
Justice for unborn babies or Orthodoxy for the Church for the sake of
false charity. Our talks were frank, and we were heard with great
deference. I think that the fact that nine Americans would come at their
own expense to plead with the Holy See to intervene in the American
Catholic Church gave them great pause.
We went over the entire document – page by page – with each prefect or
representative with whom we met, augmenting the material by telling them
our own stories of heartache. Those traveling with me were eloquent and
passionate to the point of tears.
The responses of those we met with ranged from surprise and shock, to
sympathy and heartfelt agreement.
We ended by presenting a one-page appeal – an agonizing plea – asking the
Holy See to lay the axe to the poisonous root in America, for the sake of
unborn babies and the faithful here, as well as the unborn and the
faithful worldwide that are threatened by our treachery. You can read
these requests here as well.
I invite you to read Oves Sine Pastore in its entirety, and to pray. And I
urge you forward Oves Sine Pastore to your bishop, parish priest, and
If you agree with this statement, you are invited to make public comments
as a witness of your convictions.
We know that other heroic men and women have raised agonized cries to
Rome, saying, “How Long? How long shall we languish in this dark night of
treachery.” We also know that the reforms for which we plead will not come
We must be like the great lay saints of during the Aryan heresy, who
fought for orthodoxy, and against heretical or lukewarm bishops. The
slaughter of the innocents is the Aryan crisis of our times.
We are confident that if we continue to act, pray, and speak boldly, that
reform will come. Not due soley to our human efforts, but because of God’s
love for the innocent children that are the victims of the American
Holocaust and because of Christ’s love for His Church. Let us pray that
the heir of St. Peter – inspired by the Holy Spirit – will hear the cry of
innocent blood and the pleas of the faithful, and rise up like a lion from
his lair to call his brother bishops back to Rome - in with clear words
and heroic deeds.
If they will not hear God's call, let us pray that more worthy souls may
fill their offices, for the sake of Christ, His church, and for the
innocent babies who continue to be slaughtered under the U.S. Episcopal
reign of mediocrity, fear, and betrayal.
Randall A. Terry, President
(Following are the names of those who joined me on this pilgrimage):
Tom and Sue Cyr,
Mario and Sandra Paveglio
Francis and Catherine Smith
Joseph Landry
Ed Faddoul
We cannot tolerate this anymore.
Worthy is the Lamb.
Worthy Is The Lamb.. WORTHY.. ALMIGTHY.. VEN SEÑOR JESUS... - The best home videos are here
Randall Terry would be great if he hadn't abandoned Cindy after (19 + years of marriage!)
ReplyDeleteI am disappointed in Cardinal Sean but after all his job is to keep the money rolling in (whether it be the Bishop's fund or private donations) and then preach the gospel if it isn't too inconvenient and doesn't affect the fundraising. You know how it is.
Randall Terry's previous marriage was annulled by the Roman Catholic Church. If you know what an annulment is then no further explanation is necessary. The Church has spoken and that's the end of that matter. Anything more you have to add is just slander and calumny. If you are not Catholic I would be happy to explain an annulment to you.
ReplyDeleteSo, now that you know that he didn't abandon Cindy that leaves you with the rest of your statement that Randall Terry is great. I agree with you, he is great.
Randall Terry is so GREAT that he deceived an Archbishop, who is the head of the Apostolic Signatura, in order to use his name and face to push Mr. Terry's agenda.
ReplyDeleteNow, unless, Mr Landry, you are willing to stoop to slander and calumny, to defend what was done, I suggest you look at Mr. Terry for what he is and stop hiding behind his "Crusade for the Unborn".
I know very well what annulment means. They are a dime a dozen in the United States and they do not answer the questions that should be answered when a relationship that has been lived in public, for many years in this case, as a marriage is, is determined to have never existed before God.
There secrecy is scandalous.
Mr. Terry should repent, end his current relationship and work to heal the marriage he abandoned.
This should be his vocation, not misrepresenting himself to "help" the unborn.