Thursday, March 12, 2009

O'Malley's FOCA and Abortion Taxi Services

There's a lot going on that I'm not at liberty to discuss at this juncture.

There are several things grassroots people need to do simultaneously.

Pick out five people in your network that you know will take actions and ask them to do the following seven things:

1. Call your your local Bishop and ask him to clarify whether referring women to abortion hotlines and calling a taxi to get her there is permissible Catholic credo.

If you live in Massachusetts, find out where and you don't an answer, find out where he will be this weekend and go there physically, wait for the opportunity and then ask him. Take notes, get back to me with them.

2. Send an email to the Nuncio asking him the same questions. Follow up the email to the Nuncio with a phone call asking him to intercede and assist us getting it heard before the Vatican.


Fax: 202-337-4036

Most Rev. Pietro Sambi, Apostolic Nuncio

Embassy of the Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See

3339 Massachusetts Avenue NW

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

00120 Via del Pellegrino

Citta del Vaticano

Washington, DC 20008

3. Write the Archbishop of Boston (cc the Vicar General) and ask him the same questions:

4. Post the same questions at O'Malley's blog along with any other commentary that moves you:

Here was my post:

So then, Cardinal Sean,

You are clarifying that it is doctrinally faithful for Catholic physicians, nurses and healthcare workers in the United States to refer women to abortion hotlines and call her a taxi to get her there.

This is permissible Catholic credo, is that correct?

And, Fr. Tad and Dr. Haas at the National Catholic Bioethics Center agrees that these referrals and taxi rides are morally ethical and consistent with the Gospel of Life?

We all want to be sure that you are responsible for spreading what you say is the truth across the nation.

5. Contact five priests you know across the Commonwealth and ask the same questions.

If the Cardinal is going to misguide the faithful and lead them into sin and carnage, let us ask every Cardinal, Bishop, Priest to clarify and affirm and mislead the faithful with their Cardinal or correct the Cardinal's errors so that doctors, nurses, healthcare workers will not be led into betraying Christ and humanity at Cardinal O'Malley's say so.

6. Call Mass Citizens for Life and ask them the clarify whether they intend to acquiesce to the Cardinal's Caritas abortion and taxi services or will they rise against him.

7. Send CJ Doyle's press release around the internet to blogs and to our Catholic news services and encourage them to do the story.





(781) 251-9739


The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts today criticized the Archdiocesan hospital network, Caritas Christi, for accepting a state contract, in conjunction with the Centene Corporation, to provide Commonwealth Care health insurance, which includes abortion coverage. The Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority Board awarded the contract this morning after Caritas/Centene assured the panel that women will have “ready access” to timely family planning services such as abortion, sterilization and contraception.

The Catholic Action League called the contract “a significant defeat for the pro-life movement, inflicted not by secular society, but by the Catholic Church in Boston.”

Catholic Action League Executive Director C. J. Doyle stated: “What remains of the Catholic character of Caritas Christi has now been fatally compromised. The partnership in which Caritas Christi is one of the two principals will provide ‘ready access’ to abortion, which the Catholic religion condemns as ‘an abominable crime’. ”

“It is now clear that the Archdiocese of Boston has spent the last week cynically misdirecting Catholics and the general public with empty assurances that Caritas Christi would not collaborate in abortion. If a woman with a Commonwealth Care card walks into a Caritas Christi hospital seeking an abortion, she will be directed back to her health plan -- the Caritas/Centene partnership -- which will not only arrange for the procedure, but if necessary will provide transportation to the facility which performs it.”

“With Caritas Christi now thoroughly embedded in the culture of death, we are now facing the end, in Massachusetts at least, of Catholic medical resistance to abortion and contraception. This tragic state of affairs is the personal responsibility of the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean O'Malley, who not only failed to stop this contract, but who endorsed it while making unsupportable assertions implausibly denying what everyone else knew -- that the contract required participation in the deliberate killing of innocent unborn children.”


The Cardinal has issued a new statement. Since Caritas let the cat out of the bag, he's finished saying there will be no abortion referrals. His statement says that while he appreciates the opportunity for Caritas employees to serve poor woman by sending her by taxi for abortions, he's waiting for the Bioethics Center to render an opinion on whether this is honest to God Catholic credo.

Personally, I'd like to know what else Bryan Hehir has leaving by a taxicab from the Chancery that the Cardinal hasn't sought advice about.

I digress.

It is absolutely CRITICAL to keep up the phone calls and communications to priests, bishops and forward the seven point action plan above to five people and ask them to send it to five people.

Oh, and one more thing. If you know any wealthy people, circulate an email telling them to let the Cardinal know they'll cut off his life's blood and oxygen - the money - if he doesn't put the kibosh on the Caritas Abortion Taxi Services.

I'm feeling a bit relieved for more than just the obvious reasons. Earlier this afternoon when my lawyer gave me the $$$$$ it was going to cost to file the injunction, I had a mean case of guilt. Donors have pledged the money (which I haven't collected but it is pledged) but I had a mean case of guilt about spending that much of their hard-earned cash in this economy.

Pick up the phones, get emails going, faxes and fight hard tomorrow kiddies. The hardest you've ever fought.


  1. Here's the FAX number for the Nuncio too...

    202-337-4036 FAX

  2. It would I think be more wonderful if Fr Hehir left in a cab

  3. Thanks Lynne for the fax number...I'll get it into the post too.

  4. Carol- please write me- did you get those FOIA Records from the Ohio Governor's office? I am very curious.

    Please respond to my e-mail below as I dont often check this blog

    Best Regards
    Michael A Massa, JD
