Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cardinal Dolan Retaliates -Wherein That Jolly Old Francis Show Turns into Godzilla in Gotham City

I'm sure you've all read by now that Cardinal Dolan is shuttering a parish that serves the Latin Rite community in New York.

Earlier this week, the pastor at Holy Innocents publicly shared the observation of a not-so-insignificant number of Catholics. Creative Minority Report has the story and reports that Fr. Wylie has had his faculties removed by Cardinal Dolan.

You can operate our lady of the mattress and pimp your parishioners to each other and the jolly old Francis show will sit in the Sanctuary and clap. But you can't speak the truth about the passive-aggressive interference and obstruction of worship in the Latin Rite community or you'll have your faculties taken away.

Priests can commit spiritual homicides for decades and the Jolly Old Francis show will cheer you on but if you dare to express criticism of their larceny of the salvation of souls the dear Cardinal will take your ability to say the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass away from you.

Criticism of the counterfeit church they have erected is not tolerated.

Nor is the Catechism and the Deposit of Faith or faithfulness to it.

Other than the Holy Father's scrutiny and oversight and preaching about money, the overwhelming majority of his proclamations on the teachings of the Church and those who are faithful to it has been undermining and ridiculing it.

I have my popcorn and 3D glasses all lined up for the synod in October. I have given up any hope that we will hear a teaching of the Church from Pope Francis until then that doesn't have to do with the distribution and oversight of money. We may not hear it throughout his entire papacy. In the meantime, the destruction of catechesis and the tools of salvation is happening all around us on every level.

We have been given our mandate: Do not take notice of it. Don't report it or publish it. Don't take pictures of it. Don't opine on how it is affecting the understanding and actions of everyone around you or the ability to teach the faith.

If you don't follow the mandate of the counterfeit church, you will be subject to the revenge executed by Mother Angelica and Pope Francis' crackerjack theologians.

Have you read this story by Steve Jalsevec?

I read it early this morning and I just can't get over it.

The venom our friends at Lifesite experienced from the Mother Angelica/Jolly Old Francis show is something else:

Here are just a few samples of what was what posted on the Facebook pages of various well-known and prolific Catholic writers:

“Two sentences that make me turn on my bullshit detector: ones that start, ‘Guess what Pope Francis just did?’ and ones that start, ‘According to LifeSiteNews . . . ‘”
“lying assholes who attack the Church”
“lazy, biased, and stupid reporting”
“no respect for LSN as a whole”
“an organization with a bad reputation”
“no news sense and no conscience”
hang your “head in shame for attempting to bring division in the Church through inaccurate and dishonest reporting”
“anti-Catholic bias”
“They have a distorted view of reality, and no conscience when it comes to reporting lies in order to advance the agenda.”
“sleazier than the National Enquirer”
“They don't actually do any reporting. They rewrite a lot of other people's reporting without checking facts or giving attribution.”
“The narcissism and pride is epic.

Keeping in mind that Lifesite is an apostolate faithful to Christ's Church that has been serving us for years, the undertow of this papacy seems to be in full swing for faithful Catholics -inside of our own homes, our parishes, our classrooms and apostolates.

Let's have the decency to be honest. Lifesite took the bullets for the irresponsible and thoughtless actions of the Pope, which naturally resulted in...criticism.

In looking at Cardinal Dolan's actions (and the Cardinal's and Bishops like him) I keep asking myself a few questions:

What is it about apostate priests that make bishops want to protect and promote them?

What is it about faithful ones that makes bishops want to penalize and silence them?

Each time they promote an apostate priest or punish and persecute a faithful one, they clarify who and what they are and the conclusions reached are not very edifying.

The Catholic thugs circle the wagons of those who see a wrong and have the desire to right it is another disturbing facet of the dysfunction.

I had to laugh at one comment in CMR's comments section:

What exactly does one hope to accomplish by writing to Card. Dolan?

Writing to the fox in the henhouse tells him you see what he is doing and it will sit in his conscience like a burning ember.

Pray for Fr. Wylie and those scandalized by the Catholic mafia.

The insanity is something else.

Nobody said it was going to be fun and the enemies within always hurt the most. We've just got to keep on going. The whole lot of us.

I recently adopted the habit of a friend who, whenever his life gets insufferable says "It doesn't get any better than this." LOL

I know just the cure. The Sacraments of Christ's Church. The Blood of Christ.

Can't get enough!

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong and perfect plea.
A great high Priest whose Name is Love
Who ever lives and pleads for me.
My name is graven on His hands,
My name is written on His heart.
I know that while in Heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart.

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end of all my sin.
Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free.
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me.

Behold Him there the risen Lamb,
My perfect spotless righteousness,
The great unchangeable I AM,
The King of glory and of grace,
One in Himself I cannot die.
My soul is purchased by His blood,
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ my Savior and my God!


  1. "Priests can commit spiritual homicides for decades and the Jolly Old Francis show will cheer you on but if you dare to express criticism of their larceny of the salvation of souls the dear Cardinal will take your ability to say the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass away from you.

    Criticism of the counterfeit church they have erected is not tolerated.

    Nor is the Catechism and the Deposit of Faith or faithfulness to it.

    Other than the Holy Father's scrutiny and oversight and preaching about money, the overwhelming majority of his proclamations on the teachings of the Church and those who are faithful to it has been undermining and ridiculing it.

    I have my popcorn and 3D glasses all lined up for the synod in October. I have given up any hope that we will hear a teaching of the Church from Pope Francis until then that doesn't have to do with the distribution and oversight of money. We may not hear it throughout his entire papacy. In the meantime, the destruction of catechesis and the tools of salvation is happening all around us on every level.

    We have been given our mandate: Do not take notice of it. Don't report it or publish it. Don't take pictures of it. Don't opine on how it is affecting the understanding and actions of everyone around you or the ability to teach the faith.

    If you don't follow the mandate of the counterfeit church, you will be subject to the revenge executed by Mother Angelica and Pope Francis' crackerjack theologians." I LOVE IT !!!

    TTC: I DO NOT expect any help from the up-coming October gathering. In fact, sadly, I am expecting the "same" tired blather, which will do nothing but undermine the faithful.

    As difficult as things were in the past, I thought that Pope Benedict XVI understood and know THE ENEMY !

    I am still attempting to figure out Pope Francis?

  2. We have to realize that this Pontificate is to undermine the Pontificate of Benedict XVI.

    For all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord

  3. My understanding is that EWTN was de facto hijacked from Mother Angelica when she fell ill several years ago. She is shunted to the sidelines, now quite helpless. I tend to believe that what has happened to EWTN lately is a cause of grief to her.

  4. Joe, Maybe..it's the revenge of the Jesuits who have been repressed by the last 30 or so years of Popes who proclaimed Church teaching.

    Whatever this show is, faithful Catholics who have been struggling to pass on their religion couldn't be possibly be any more disgusted by it. All I am thinking about now is, how I/we all are going to get our families and people we love to circumvent the resurgence of the friends with benefits era courtesy of Pope Francis.

    I have never forgotten something Fr. Wilson wrote about the United States Bishops Conference about ten years ago. It applies now more than ever:

    I watched Bishop Wilton Gregory catechizing that press conference about the National Review Board’s sexual abuse report and how it’s about "the children, the children, the children," whereas it is really about the bishops, the bishops, the bishops. This episcopate will never do anything but spin the problems; won’t ever settle down to address the hard work of renewal.

    Watching the bishops’ conference in action is like viewing the film of a train wreck over and over again. With bright-colored clowns hanging out the train windows, waving and blowing kisses. One only wishes one had a tomato.

  5. Michael, I don't know what is going to happen in October but one is hard pressed to tee up any hope when our beloved Pope has put the well-known apostate Cardinal Kasper in charge, let him say crazy things we all know contradicts 2000 years of unchangeable theology on divorce and remarriage and ability to receive the Eucharist and then run to the Chair of Peter to say it's good theology and we should all be open to it.

    I mean - come on. We are not as stupid as we look.

    That's like putting Dr. Kevorkian in charge of how to recalibrate Church teachings on the sanctity of life so people offended by them will flock back to the pews - and expect informed Catholics to believe your appointment was done in a good faith effort to save lives and souls.

    I hate to even throw conjecture out there but if I were a betting woman, I'd put my money on a big tent where the Holy See gives the apostates a podium to present their talking points for us all to be 'open' to and then faithful prelates scramble to defend the faith and the Pope cheers the show on from the sidelines where he never makes clear what the conclusion we all must reach actually is.

    That's my guess from what we've seen so far. Hope I am wrong. But the Pope's silence on Church teaching as he rounds up apostates, diminishes and ridicules faithfulness, the Rosary, people who desire liturgies where they can mystically pray the Holy Sacrifice, the destruction of FFI whilst he kisses the hands of the friends with benefits brigade, that's where I am with it!

    Janet - I heard the same. The Simcha Fisher, Mark Shea, Elizabeth Scalia crowd have overthrown EWTN. There is a lot of fantastic work still going on there and I keep praying that some day the Catholic mafia who infiltrated it is overcome.

  6. Where did this disgust for Mother Angelica come from? She hasn't been actively involved with EWTN for several years now. When she was, she was well known for her criticism of bishops, especially in the US. I have read several articles that comment about how EWTN has lost much of it's credibility because the leadership does not have her tenacity.

  7. John, all of us absolutely adore Mother Angelica. Many of us thought her apostolate would be one thing that would never be infiltrated by sophomoric theology and the holy wars and character assassinations on faithful Catholics. But it has happened.

  8. Scalia patiently explains to us dolts how enlightened Francis was to allow muslim prayers in the Vatican. And yet, and yet, we know learn that 99% of the clergy within Vatican City were against this ever happening. But I guess I'll listen to the "Anchoress", she's a lay nun or something.
