Sunday, July 6, 2014

Church Parade Past Mafia Home Challenge to Pope Francis (WHAT?!)

In apparent defiance of Pope Francis, a church procession detoured from its route through a southern Italian town to honor a convicted mobster under house arrest...The July 2 procession included clergy, the mayor, parents pushing baby strollers and dozens of local men carrying on their shoulders an ornate Madonna statue.

Pope Francis is reportedly upset that local clergy and the mayor honored a murderer in a religious ceremony.

Oh come on.

It happens every day.

In fact, doesn't it strike you as odd that the Pope would excommunicate corrupt Catholics who murder adults in cold blood but will participate in a photo op with John Kerry and Barack Obama, who facilitate the murder of millions of children and rob millions of salvation?

Pope Francis doesn't seem to have any righteous anger or concern about the sin of exploiting women and hoodwinking them into killing their children for free, but has announced 'the sin of our time': The sin of exploitation of trees, saying trees should be allowed to give fruit without exploitation.

It's hard not to draw what seems to me to be a very lucid and logical conclusion that those are a set of screwed up priorities if I ever saw them.


  1. A post-script on the Pope' words ( ):

    Elsewhere in southern Italy, other ‘ndrangheta members appeared to have paid attention to the pope’s words but perhaps not in the way he intended. Another bishop, Monsignor Giancarlo Bregantini, told Vatican Radio Sunday that some 200 inmates in the maximum-security section of Larino prison told their chaplain they would boycott Mass, reasoning if they were excommunicated it made no sense for them to attend anymore.

  2. Reminds me of when he said the "most serious evils" are youth unemployment and the loneliness of the old.


  3. Oh my goodness, YES!!! Every time I see that he has said something, I have a sense of dread. Stop talking, because you just keep putting your foot in your mouth.

  4. The Pope is all things to all people except authentically Catholic to Catholics...

  5. In case no one's noticed, we've traded Benedict the Beloved for Francis the Fool.


  6. And he says "poverty" is at the "center of the Gospel." Really? Have you read the gospels, Francis? It's not possible to have read the gospels and utter an inane statement like that. Jesus Christ and redemption from sin is at the center of the gospel. Nothing else.
