Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Obama Agrees to Revise Mandate to Outsource Providing Putana Pills

Obviously, this is a week I probably shouldn't be blogging!

The rules, which are still being worked out, will provide an "alternative way for objecting nonprofit religious organizations to provide notification," according to the White House.

We can't sign any stinking form that entraps others into doing what we know results in a spiritual suicide or physical homicide.

It isn't rocket science: Let the government notify them they can go right down to CVS, pull five dollars out of their own wallets and buy their own contraception.

Fr. Pavone expresses the level of trust Obama has earned with Catholics:

But Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, told LifeNews that he doesn’t trust the Obama administration to adequately accommodate pro-life groups that object to the mandate.

“The Priests for Life lawsuit against the HHS mandate is the next to be decided, having already had oral arguments in the nation’s second most influential Court, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. At the crux of the issue is that our completion of the form required under the “accommodation” given to religious non-profit groups constitutes cooperation in the very evil that the form says we are objecting to,” he told

He said, “If the government just kept us out of the process altogether of either triggering, authorizing, or in any fashion being the gateway for employees to receive coverage for objectionable practices, that would satisfy our concerns. Of course, we would have to carefully examine any changes the Administration makes to its current policy, in order to verify that what our faith considers immoral cooperation is completely excluded.”


  1. It states" , the Iraqi prime minister and a Shiite, are pleading for help, U.S. President Barack Obama — arguably, the world’s second most powerful Christian — remains shamefully silent, as do other Western leaders."
    Oh PLEEZE, he's a Christian like I'm a Jew. Not...

  2. This is the O'Malley way. It's called outsourcing evil-pretend the evil doesn't exist because you wash your hands of it---it's similar to the Dred Scott decision. You send back the slave to his master, but you feel that slavery is evil.

    Yes the ancient Christians in Iraq are being slaughtered, but the Pope ate lunch in a Vatican cafeteria with the employee smucks!!!
