Monday, September 1, 2014

James Carroll Putting Pins in his Holy City of Rome voodoo dolly (Again. YAWN)

With the rise of the political empire of the murderers of islam, the Boston Globe is ignoring the ethnic cleansing of Christians all over the world and stepping up hating on the Roman Catholic Church.

When it comes to the scramble of finding space to cover the systemic beheading of Christian children and parading their heads on sticks or James Carroll's screed about abolishing Vatican City, we have a winner.

Carroll, a former priest, describes himself as a "Roman Catholic Reformer".

So here we are forty years later and he has  'reformed' bupkis in the Deposit of Faith.

 Sleeping around outside of the Sacrament of Marriage is still immoral and sinful. The precious gift and powerful intercessory fast of priestly celibacy is still going strong. The Church hasn't budged from Humanae Vitae.

Every ounce of energy he's put into his 'reformation' has been a bust.

Over the course of the past year or so, he's put his wages on Pope Francis whom he hopes and believes will usher in the era of triumph for the trouser monsters.

He's still waiting.

Earlier this week, the Boston Globe published another article attacking the Catholic Church. They have a special department of rabid dogs who go after Irish Catholics. Our friend CJ Doyle writes about it below.

I think the Globe was expecting big changes with Pope Francis. My gut instincts were they hired John Allen from the heretical and excommunicated rag National Catholic Reporter for what they hoped would be Pulitzer Prize coverage of the reforms.

I think there are a couple of skangers on Morrissey Boulevard who are getting restless.    LOL.



In a metro column of The Boston Sunday Globe of August 24th, serial Catholic basher Kevin Cullen wrote about the controversy in Ireland over the discovery of unmarked graves of children at the site of a maternity home in Tuam administered by the Bon Secours Sisters. Though disturbing questions remain, the affair has been characterized by hysterical press coverage and extravagant claims, almost all of which have now been discredited.

Despite his usual vitriolic inclinations, Cullen, in this matter, was prepared to make a few concessions to the truth. He even referred to thepernicious sensationalism of the British owned and inspired media in Dublin. He would then go on however, to repeat many of the same absurdities peddled by the Dublin media, alleging that parish priests regularly condemned unwed mothers at Mass,"every Sunday," or that the Catholic Church believed that children born out of wedlock were "undeserving of human dignity."

Cullen made one revealing comment that told us all we need to know---about Kevin Cullen. He described post independent, mid twentieth century, devoutly Catholic Ireland as "backward" and "clerically dominated." Apparently, faithful adherence to the Catholic religion defines Cullen's criteria for an enfeebled, retrograde culture. Presumably, by Cullen's standards, modern Massachusetts, which kills pre-born children, sodomizes marriage, and distributes contraceptives to minors, is an example of progress and enlightenment.

Cullen's bigoted crack insulted a generation of Irishmen and Irish women who defeated the largest empire in history to gain their freedom and independence---albeit an incomplete, or, as DeValera would say, a "mutilated" independence. A few things ought to be said in defense of that generation. Moreover, some facts, being facts, ought to be acknowledged:

---- At a time when Europe was convulsed by authoritarianism, totalitarianism, wars of aggression, crimes against humanity, genocide, atrocities, religious pogroms, ethnic cleansing, and all manner of extremism, independent Ireland created a stable, peaceful, free, and democratic society governed by the rule of law. Even Winston Churchill, in his second premiership, admitted this.

---- Despite 800 years of occupation and oppression, and 400 years of confiscation and religious persecution, the Irish, upon securing their independence, perpetrated no acts of vengeance upon the religious minority associated with the occupation. Instead, they welcomed members of that minority as citizens, left them undisturbed in their liberties and property, refrained from any discrimination against them, recognized them in the national constitution, and even elected one of their number to the presidency of the state, and later, another, to the presidency of the Republic.

---- At a time when state governments in New England, and, more ominously, in Germany, were sterilizing those with intellectual handicaps, independent Ireland defended the sanctity of innocent human life from conception to natural death, opposing all forms of abortion, contraception, sterilization and euthanasia.

---- At a time when Western nations were weakening prohibitions and restrictions on divorce---the principal cause of female poverty in modern society---independent Ireland upheld the integrity and indissolubility of marriage.

---- At a time when the major Western democracies were complacent in the practice of appeasement, independent Ireland, small, poor, neutral, and virtually unarmed, became one of the first countries to oppose the Fascist aggression in Ethiopia.

---- Ireland, upon independence, effectively eradicated from its capital city that form of human degradation known as prostitution, (which flourished there under British rule) and kept out of the country the Anglo-American vice of pornographic literature.

---- After independence, Ireland established a constitution, a code of laws, and a system of public policies which held that the family was superior to the state, that parents, not the government, should choose the education of their children, and that mothers who chose to care for their children, should, ideally, not be forced to work outside the home.

Given the disasters which afflicted so many post colonial societies in the 20th century, any fair minded observer would view the achievements of independent Ireland with admiration and respect. For Kevin Cullen however, this is all ecclesiastically inspired backwardness.

One is left to wonder in astonishment at the origin of this kind of quisling mentality: political correctness, human respect, a bad conscience, professional self interest? Who knows? On one point, Cullen is obviously quite lucid. Given his attitude towards Irish Catholicism, he is, on Morrissey Boulevard, certainly working for the right employer.


  1. Is the embittered ex-Fr. Carroll's piece the first article on the Boston Globe’s new “Catholic” website: “Crux: Covering all things Catholic”? The site and its founder, John Allen, formerly of the National un-Catholic Reporter, along with mentioning the hiring of the anti-Catholic bigot away from the Boston Herald, were highly praised in a lead article in the August 7, 2014, issue of the Worcester Diocese’s Catholic Free Press (see )

  2. The "anti-Catholic bigot [hired] away from the Boston Herald" whom I forgot to name in the above comment is Leaving heathennone other than Margery Eagan, who is Crux's spiritual columnist.

  3. Get out!!!

    Margery Egan is their spiritual specialist???!!!


    I guess the warlocks and witches in Salem were all busy?

    She wouldn't know or care what is Catholic any more than ISIS.

  4. I thought that anti-catholic bigot Carroll passed away. Every column of his is the same.

    Egan? that makes perfect sense I guess. What else did we expect.

  5. Joe Doyle's letter to the Globe on Carroll's anti-Catholic screed:

    James Carroll's tedious obsession with maligning the Papacy surfaced, once again, with his noxious proposal---echoing that of so-called Catholics for Choice---that the Holy See abandon its sovereignty, and reduce itself to a non-governmental organization, (Abolish Vatican statehood, 9/1/2014).

    Were Rome to follow his improvident advice, the Pope and the central administration of the Church would owe allegiance to the authority of a secular government. If Carroll's object is to revive the persecution of Catholicism, he could find no more compelling example than the seven centuries when the Vicar of Christ was a subject of the Roman Empire, its Byzantine counterpart, and its barbarian successor states.

    Carroll was inaccurate in asserting that modern Vatican statehood is a twentieth century construct derived from the 1929 Lateran Treaty between the Holy See and the Kingdom of Italy. The Holy See, which has the world's oldest diplomatic corps, has continuously exercised sovereignty for more than thirteen hundred years. Following the seizure of Rome by Savoyard forces in 1870, the Vatican maintained diplomatic relations with other states during the 59 years between the invasion and the final settlement with Italy.

    As we approach, at the end of this month, the 23rd anniversary of Carroll's column, perhaps the time has come for The Boston Globe to reconsider the value of providing a forum to an excommunicated priest, who uses it to ventilate his unrelenting hostility towards the institution which he deserted.
