Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Pope Francis said...wait for it..

..."the Church must listen and answer people's questions".

Musn't it.


  1. As Mundabor says, Jorge is an ass. He disgusts me.


  2. His little parish? Does he not know he's the Bishop of Rome? Dialogue? Gee, how about teaching his parish and the rest of the church what dialogue is with God, um, like PRAYER?

    Oh who could not just love this man to death.....

  3. Dear Holy Father, if that be the case, then ANSWER THE DUBIA ALREADY! Thank you.

  4. As I've said before, he cannot answer the Dubia! He's between a rock and a hard place. Answer it in accordance with Church teaching, he betrays himself and the frauds around him, answer it in accordance with his twisted 'Catholic' logic and he would be declared a formal heretic.
