Saturday, November 4, 2017

Cardinal DiNardo, the USCCB and the Cult that Protects Catholic Predators

Do you recall the Catholic Hierarchy crimes of protecting sexual predators for decades?

The real problem was the cult that internally operates to protect the crimes and spiritual debauchery of the ordained.

A priest, bishop, Cardinal, Pope or their assignees would do something harmful.  A righteous person goes up the chain of command to get the activity stopped. The response of Catholic leadership was to demonize and alienate the righteous person trying to help the victim.

When the scandal over sexual predators was laid bare in newspapers, many of us who tried to stop spiritual abuse recognized the pattern of protecting abusers.   You'd go the pastor, the aux bishop, the bishop of the see, the Nuncio, then the Holy See.   There were several responses. 

Similar to the response of the Holy Father, some would ignore you.  Others would write template keep-warm-and-well-fed letters expressing thanks for bringing concerns to their attention and assuring you of prayers.  While the spiritual predator enjoyed freedom to continue his abuse, you were slandered and removed from any type of service you were providing to Christ's Church.

This pontificate has resuscitated the insidious culture.

Fr. Weinandy is the latest victim of this treachery.

We appeal to the Holy Father to stop the things he's doing to cause irreparable harm to the Church and people we love - he defends himself by not responding to content while removing the righteous person. He gushes over and appoints the offender to a prestigious role to give the abuser credibility.  The next thing you know, Cardinal DiNardo follows the Holy Father's lead.

Fr. Weinandy wrote a respectful letter to Pope Francis explaining the harm and wrongdoing.  The USCCB boots Fr. Weinandy out of his consulting role and pledges their allegiance to follow the edicts coming of Rome even if they rob people of salvation.

What is happening as we expose wrongdoing and spiritual crimes of this pontificate is understated.
Pope Francis is setting the tome that actually reinstates the dangerous cult as the operational culture.

It's very important to outclever the cleverholes.    They don't summarily dismiss every whistleblower.  Like every tyranny, someone is publicly dismissed as an example of what will happen if we expose spiritual or legal crimes.    This provides shelter from accountability and gives more time to roll out their agenda.

Likewise, every priest, bishop and Cardinal shouldn't fall on the sword under this tyranny.  Most have to carry on the mission of the Church as best as we can in the circumstances we are in.   Under a good bishop, priests can openly teach the tools for salvation without fear of being removed.     But there is a small group who will be called to tell tyrants the whistle is being blown and to take their appointments to their committees and shove them right up their backsides.   When they're removed, we'll expose that too.  

In 90% of the cases, this stalls momentum and occasionally even reverses damage.   We don't have to scorch the earth.   It's a tiny flare across their bow that's enough to stop cowardly careerists from following the lead of warriors with agendas.  

It does not go unnoticed that as priests, bishops, Cardinals and Romans who have been harming the Church for decades are being unmasked, the same thing happening inside the Church is happening in Hollywood.  Ashley Judd actually admitted she not only protected Weinstein with her silence, she promised to sleep with him if he put her into a role that wins her an Oscar.   Certainly gives her actions of parading around Washington wearing a hat shaped like her genitals on her head a whole new meaning. 

Seems like everywhere we turn, we can't keep track of the abusers coming out of the woodwork.   Most interesting to those of us with our antennae in the supernatural world.

People continue to excuse the Holy Father's conduct with telling us he's a nice guy with good motives.  I don't waste a cell of my brain speculating on the reasons he's telling people I love and care about that the Church has been wrong for 2000 years and all this time, the heretics and apostates were holding the keys to salvation.   That sob story is between him and Christ. 

During the Third Reich, as the Jews were lined up in front of a pit to be shot, one man turned to a soldier carrying out Hitler's orders and said "I see what you are doing and so does God."  
Sometimes, that's the only service we can provide to Our Beloved.


  1. A priest, bishop, Cardinal, Pope or their assignees would do something harmful. A righteous person goes up the chain of command to get the activity stopped. The response of Catholic leadership was to demonize and alienate the righteous person trying to help the victim.

    When the scandal over sexual predators was laid bare in newspapers, many of us who tried to stop spiritual abuse recognized the pattern of protecting abusers. You'd go the pastor, the aux bishop, the bishop of the see, the Nuncio, then the Holy See. There were several responses.

    Similar to the response of the Holy Father, some would ignore you. Others would write template keep-warm-and-well-fed letters expressing thanks for bringing concerns to their attention and assuring you of prayers. While the spiritual predator enjoyed freedom to continue his abuse, you were slandered and removed from any type of service you were providing to Christ's Church.

    This sort of behavior is par for the course for any arrogant corporate entity, religious or secular. It's what happens when such entities confuse themselves with their ostensible mission. It's what happens when they take themselves too seriously.

    Francis didn't "restore" anything along those lines. This is just sinful human nature allowed to run its natural course in a corporate, collectivist setting.

  2. "This is just sinful human nature allowed to run its natural course in a corporate, collectivist setting", and then some. It's diabolical, it's human nature corrupted by Satan, it's sheer evil.

    I always thought it more than odd that as American politics deteriorated (Obama as president, enough said) the Church also deteriorated. The world grows more evil by the day, the news alone is enough to convince us, and as that happens, Hollywood implodes, although I expect they shall recover, because right now, they are realizing they are going to have a hard time criticizing homosexuals for raping boys and young men, that's part of the fun and they shan't ruin it for them. How can they criticize what they applaud? The average person has a broken moral compass and will forgive Hollywood anything. Just give them a peek at Kim Kardashian and all is forgiven.
    The only consolation is the RPM's of the devolution are picking up, so one way or another, as 1P5 put it so well "the center cannot hold". We cannot go on like for too long.

  3. As the brother of a victim of the priestly abuse scandal, I thank you and commend you for this excellent article. You are SPOT ON. Keep up the good work my brother in Christ. DiNardo and Pope F (for Failure) are our new Emperors without any clothes on and the faithful need to start shouting it from the mountaintops.

    God Bless

  4. Many of the bishops, including Francis are perverts. They have no desire to fix anything, it will continue to get worse.
