Below, our friend CJ Doyle has more news for us on Cardinal O'Malley's endless bromancing of proaborts politicians. Sometimes, I can't tell the difference between his events from the South Shore branch of NARAL.
I wonder if Cardinal O'Malley realizes that what he's doing is a more serious spiritual crime than honoring sexual predators?
Cardinal O'Malley is one of the worst offenders of this spiritual malpractice.
What kind a of spiritual mentor of priests would recruit Marty Walsh as the featured speaker of an event whose purpose is the "Celebration of the Priesthood"?
Do you mean to tell me there isn't one person in the Chancery with the spinal fortitude to say, "Your Eminence, the theme of this event is holiness. We want the men to leave the building with talking points that focuses on the mission of salvation, prayer, Sacraments. Marty Walsh is not an appropriate motivator of the virtues we hope to cultivate and inspire in the celebration of the priesthood. Let's scratch him off the list and consider dynamic spiritual leaders like Monsignor Charles Pope, Fr. George Rutler, Fr. Chad Ripperger, as they are the right pool of speakers for this event. Let's get a list together of people who can talk about holiness, good Liturgical Music and homilies."
Even Bishop Barron, whom I admit derails from time-to-time, would be lightyears ahead of Marty Walsh on my guest-speaker list to celebrate and motivate priests.
I don't understand the dynamics in a Chancery. There is nothing outside of the universe of proabort politicians and frumpy post-menopausal women who dole out pablum. They haven't had a fresh idea in thirty years. The culture is so fiercely protected by modernists that its been impossible for people of good faith to shepherd any project towards the real work of spiritual renewal.
For example, here is some coverage of their latest leadership conference.
'There's no silver bullet in forming intentional disciples,"
"spoke about the importance of having a vision for your parish. We need to have a vision and know why we exist as a Church. Quoting Pope Paul VI's Evangelii Nuntiandi, he said the Church "exists to evangelize." Once we know that and set about our task of evangelization, Vidal added, we'll begin to see the fruit of our evangelization efforts when we start seeing disciples springing up in our parishes, each discovering their charisms and living out their vocations"
"Working to develop a culture of discipleship bears spiritual fruit in our parishes, but it also bears financial fruit. "When we spend our energy and efforts to call forth discipleship in others, they will take care of our (parishes) because disciples give generously,"
He then talked about mission, saying the mission of the parish is three-fold. First, parishioners need to hear Jesus' call to be his disciples. Second, once we hear the call, we need to decide to give our lives entirely over to Jesus. And third, then we share in his ministry.
With all due respect to people of good will who organized this conference, these clichés, proverbs and euphenisms do not leave a single attendee with a single solitary idea on what in God's Name you are talking about.
They want to know how to circumvent the demoralization of their children by teachers at public school.
They want to know what the latest effective resources and programs are for keeping young adults connected to the Church after Confirmation.
They want to know what resources and programs are effective in teaching people to pray better, stay connected to the Sacraments.
They need to be shown what benchmarks to capitalize upon to reconnect disconnected Catholics - what to look for, what to do and say, what programs to have in place.
There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Every year, disconnected Catholics come to us and we are not recognizing, nor capitalizing, upon these opportunities.
Disconnected Catholics:
- Register their children to receive Holy Communion.
- Register their children to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
These two things alone represent significant numbers of people we need concrete ideas and programs to reconnect these families to their faith.
Disconnected Catholics:
- Call when their relatives are dying
- Call when their parents tell them they won't attend their wedding unless it's a Sacrament of the Catholic Church
Parish leaders need specific ideas on resources and programs to draw in these disconnected Catholics, how many people it takes to run the program and what kinds of qualifications/gifts to look for in volunteers assigned.
Organizing a conference of parish volunteers to tell them the Church exists to evangelize, we need people, and people will hear the call, then we'll share in a ministry, is a colossal waste of time and missed opportunities. They cannot crack the code.
We've got to do better than this. Worthy is the Lamb.
Here's CJ's Update:
(617) 524-6309
I. More Church platforms for proponents of abortion and sodomy
Catholics in Political Life, the 2004 statement by the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said: "The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions."
The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, declared, consistent with Divine and natural law, and the perennial teaching of the Church, that "abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes."
Despite the fact that the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean O'Malley, is the former Pro-Life Activities Chairman of the bishops' conference, this prohibition against honoring or hosting pro-abortion public figures is routinely ignored in the Archdiocese of Boston. As the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts documented in its June, 2017 Special Report, there have been, at least, eighteen violations of this policy involving the personal participation or authorization by Cardinal O'Malley since 2014.
The League recently reported two additional incidents in the last two months when Boston Mayor Marty Walsh spoke at the Celebration of the Priesthood dinner on September 28th and when the Cardinal held a joint press conference with Congressman Joe Kennedy on October 3rd.
The Cardinal, it would seem, is bi-partisan. He embraces not just pro-abortion Democrats, but pro-abortion Republicans also. Meanwhile, the episcopal betrayals of the pro-life cause continue and accelerate:
Cardinal O'Malley with Lt. Governor Karyn Polito
• On October 23rd, Cardinal O'Malley joined Massachusetts Republican Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito at the groundbreaking ceremony for Bethany Apartments, where a former dormitory building at the Cardinal Cushing Center in Hanover will be converted into 37 units of affordable housing. Polito is a supporter of abortion, marriage deformity. gender ideology, buffer zones, and the recently expanded state mandate requiring employers, including religious institutions, to subsidize abortifacients, contraceptives, and sterilizations. As a state representative, Polito received a 100% rating from both the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts and NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts. In 2015, Polito, who was first elected to the House of Representatives as a defender of traditional marriage, officiated at the "wedding ceremony" of state Senate President Stanley Rosenberg, 65, and his aide and paramour, Bryan Hefner, 27. As usual, the cardinal was photographed smiling with this proponent of child murder and depravity.
Mayor Marty Walsh at the Pastoral Center
• On October 25th, Cardinal O'Malley welcomed Boston Mayor Marty Walsh to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center (the high priced PR firm didn't like the term chancery) in Braintree. Walsh spoke at an archdiocesan sponsored addiction recovery workshop. Earlier this year, Walsh named a square in the city's South End after the notorious abortionist Kenneth Edelin, who was convicted of manslaughter in 1975 for suffocating a 24 week old infant after a failed saline abortion.
Incredible travesty and grave scandal...what else is new in the modernist 'church'?
ReplyDeleteSee below article entitled:
ReplyDeleteCatholic Action League Blasts Cardinal at Obama Award Event, 'Betrayal of Pro-Life Movement'
By Michael W. Chapman | May 9, 2017 | 11:16 AM EDT
Should anyone be shocked!!!
The Catholic Church is a dead corpse since Vatican II. What happens now under Bergoglio and his minions is simply the consequence of the conciliar catastrophe. The Church will develop into and end as a worldwide anti-Christian power, and finally be destroyed by the secular powers, just before the Second Coming.