Saturday, May 26, 2018

Voris suggests Pope Francis' La Cage aux Folles is being brought to us from Jorge Bergolio, the man.


Oh come on.

I'm going to explain why splitting a pope into two personalities to excuse his spiritual misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance is a fools errand, but first, a little history:

Michael has a long history of taking the position that criticism of a Pope's spiritual malpractice is a disservice to Christ's Church. His position is not without controversy.

Michael's apostolate pitches itself as a vortex where 'lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed'. With the exception of the Pope, he's done an outstanding job exposing lies and falsehoods of anyone and everyone who teaches in the Name of the Church. He's been a tremendous help to Boston Catholics in the past. It stands to reason, if the exposition of corruption of everyone underneath a pope effectively stalls and obstructs spiritual abuse of everyone underneath a pope, the same stratagem works for a pope who is misleading Catholics from Church teaching and truth. Some suggest that Church Militant purse strings are controlled by Opus Dei members, but Michael says he's concerned criticism of the pope leads Catholic families already scandalized and abused by 60 years of spiritual treachery of priests, bishops and Cardinals to despair and separation. This just doesn't make sense to me. Moreover, it doesn't gel with the wisdom and counsel of Canon law.

It's been my experience that refusing to acknowledge corruption and fight against it the exact dysfunction that led to (and leads to) the despair of our people.

We refused to acknowledge the large number of sexually-obsessed homosexual priests who were attacking faithful Catholic families in parishes. We refused to acknowledge their enablers in the Chanceries. We were intimidated by them. We lacked the backbone and courage to tell Father (and his enablers) that what he was doing to those families was spiritually malicious. This is the form of enabling that causes victims of sexual and spiritually-abusive priests to despair and flee.

Exposing abuse where it exists, fighting against it, defending and protecting victims, keeps 95% of those with the tendency to despair from fleeing Christ's Church. There is a small number of victims whose effects from the separation from the Sacraments is so deep-seated, we are unable to help. But, the overwhelming majority of scandalized are relieved and energized when abusers are being hampered and chased back into the rabbit holes by exposing their deeds.

I know that Michael is aware of this, because that's the efficacy of his apostolate. Whatever the reasons Michael likes to pull his own leg, the Holy Father's latest has finally caused Church Militant to draw a line in the sand.

But, rather than come clean, Voris tries his darndest convince people that when the pope leads Catholics into sin and error, we are all supposed to be relieved that he isn't robbing our relatives of salvation in his official role of pope.

The man who is the current pope is wrong in his very personal, very fallible opinion presented as a mere man, and not as Pope. God does not make people gay, and such a person is not born that way.

Jorge Bergoglio is wrong...If Bergoglio the man — not Francis the Pope — did indeed say that..So let's be clear here. The opinion of the man Jorge Bergoglio means absolutely nothing in this regard. He is not a psychologist...

Listen, the role of pope isn't a job. There is no hour or nanosecond when a pope is off the clock. When he's in his pajamas, he's the pope. When he's in the shower, he's the pope. A pope is a pope 24/7.

The role of a pope is parental. Just like a mother could never be in the same room as her children, do or say something that damages them, and then suggest she didn't damage her child in her role as a mother.

If a pope starts talking and after he's finished hundreds of thousands of uncatechized believe God creates sexual depravity and likes it, he's hurting people. Some of them irreparably.

It is absolute balderdash to suggest the loss of salvation is less painful because he somehow wasn't the pope when he said it.


  1. You are correct. Michael Voris is incorrect.


  2. Absolutely spot on!! I have said this for a very long time, that just because the POPE doesn't say something 'officially' doesn't mean he's not destroying souls with his 'off the cuff' public remarks. He IS the Pope after all, so he must know what he's talking about in regard to what God does or doesn't require of us, right??? Does the POPE or does he not represent the Church of Christ?? So......when he says something PUBLICLY about the Church and what God expects of us, people LISTEN, whether or not it's Ex Cathedra or 'From the Chair'. He's the head of the CHURCH after all. This is especially damaging to people who WANT to believe something different than what the Church officially teaches, and if the Pope himself contradicts Church teaching enough, then 'official teaching' MUST BE wrong!!! Church Fathers (and even CHRIST for that matter)were teaching people right and wrong according to THEIR culture 2,000 years ago!! WE live in a completely 'different age' now. After all, WE are more ENLIGHTENED 2,000 years later, right????

    As I've also said before, this 'Pope' is causing untold damage to the Church of Christ whether or not he speaks 'officially' or 'unofficially', his public utterances are teaching moments. I just PRAY that the next Pope we have is actually a CATHOLIC. This one obviously, is NOT. As Frank Walker says: "God Save The Church!"

  3. "The man who is the current pope is wrong in his very personal, very fallible opinion presented as a mere man, and not as Pope. God does not make people gay, and such a person is not born that way."

    Nobody has cited an official declaration from Pope Francis in which he stated that God makes people "gay."


    Mark Thomas

  4. Michael Voris is wrong, misguided, misleading, and plainly dishonest about Pope Francis. Michael is beholden to his Opus Dei handlers who will not permit criticism of the Pope. Michael should tell the truth or stop what he is doing.

  5. Michael's position makes absolutely no sense, and has driven many Catholics away. That and the fact that in the combox, it is often no longer possible to criticize the pope at all. I for one am so tired of these strict limits and obsessive "moderators" controlling content, I have pretty much stopped going to those sites. Is no one else having an allergic reaction to tyrannical thought and speech police? Pornographic comments or threats, sure, get rid of those dolts, but the free exchange of ideas even the ones we may not agree with are part of a free society, and I think we've lost that. It's awful. One day we'll wake up and find we are in Fascist England, where even now Tommy Robinson may die because his government wants to shut him up, he dissed Islamists raping girls and women, which they apparently support.
    But as to this point and the pope. We just watched Ireland embrace Moloch, rejecting hard, God and the Catholic Church.
    The man in the Chair of Peter, this Bergolio, he said absolutely nothing about the referendum. He is evil, he did not care that millions of unborn babies will die. Did not care.

    We are at the point of despair, you may be right. Things are in very bad shape. We hoped a Cardinal or some such group would care more about Christ and the church. We hoped in vain. The only small bit of encouragement is in the Catholic internet world, and how long will that last, and even then, no one has any power to do anything. We are realizing that fully now. To all outward appearances, the homosexual predators, the destroyers, have won the day for themselves. Christendom is sinking, sinking down, as Islam gains in numbers and influence.

  6. I agree with you. I know Voris has tried hard not to point out the heresies of the present pontiff and to defend him IF at all possible but it is NOT POSSIBLE to defend the indefensible. As noted, the pope cannot be split in two. I know many will say that his heresies are not "valid Church teaching" and so on but the very fact that a sitting pope says things contrary to age old Truths is damnable. The fact that he refuses to clarify such Truths or that he lets others speak for him is, at the very least, dereliction of duty. I cannot see any other thing.

  7. The debacle in the Church is manifest in that prelates, journalists, and misled Catholics think that the most important thing is to 'remain in the church'. But where is the Church? the Church is where the fullness of the Faith is proclaimed and believed. That is not in Rome, nor is it the mission of the devil at the helm there to protect and defend it. Evidence of this is overwhelming. Michael Voris avoids the elephant in the room as do all orthodox prelates who refuse to confront Bergoglio. If he was ever really pope--a debatable fact for sure--he no longer is because his continual trashing of the Faith invalidates him. It sure seems like no prelates are going to stand up to him, so, in short order, the true Faith--the fullness of it--will be underground. Michael Voris errs in protecting the evil one-world-order entity at the helm in Rome. T but so do all orthodox prelates who remain silent as the precious Gift of our Catholic Faith is distorted and denied by those who should be stepping up to the plate on Her behalf.

  8. Yes, it is ridiculour to separate Francis into the man and the Pope. Although we are not bound to follow his stupid statements, it remains that he is saying them as the POPE. Michael Voris is wrong to suggest that Franny has a split personality, as you point out so astutely. Francis does all that he can to undermine the Church.

  9. Voris is simply creating distinctions where none exist. The entire Church since Vatican 2 has been teaching error. Are we suppose to say that the Church can be "off the clock" too?

  10. I agree with every word you say. I cannot for the life of me understand why Michael Voris cannot see that Pope Francis is the leader of the pack of wolves. It's so obvious even the secular world can see it.

  11. I agree. However, there is the tiniest glimmer of truth regarding the pope just starting to peep through - not much, true, but still there. At least he's not scolding us up-down-right-left as he did a few years ago. I would have posted this on his site but I was banned after that row with them when their friend Festus vented his spleen at us and then me in my combox.
    Progress, be it ever so small and slow, is occurring.

  12. Mikey Voris' schizophrenia: Pope Francis, si! Jorge Bergoglio, no!

  13. Is the average layman in a position to examine all the acts and statements of Francis or any pope to decide which come from his papacy and which come from the person? Private interpretation of the pope's intentions? That's what the Voris mentality leads to. Everyone can and almost has to set himself up as the judge of the pope. And if that is all the papacy amounts to, why did Christ establish it? I deeply feel that if Bergoglio is the pope, the papacy falls. And if the papacy falls, the Church falls. And since we know that the Church cannot fall, where does that leave Jorge Bergoglio?

  14. Jorge Bergoglio May be Bishop of Rome, but he is not Pope in the meaningful sense.

    The evidence is in the partial abdication, leading to the sketchy consistory and election, leading to a tsunami of heresy and overturning of the most fundamental of Catholic doctrine. Not just one or a few points of minor or middling theological disputations. No, everything Catholic is being overturned at the practical and/or sacramental level, (starting with the lifelong nature, for better or worse, of St. Peter's heir).

    Popes don't behave this way. They just don't. At some point, that fact will have to be dealt with, with or without the Cardinals, who are being aggressively replaced with Bergoglio's men.

  15. I follow CM and like the good they do ... but I do agree that the handling of Pope Francis is dishonest at best and could as well be responsible for the loss of souls who follow Voris' line of reasoning. This or any pope, should be held accountable for words and actions that could lead souls astray. God will judge us all and we may actually be doing the pope a favor by criticising his errors, to give him the critique he need for the salvation of his own soul. I've had the feeling that Michael is suffering from bad spiritual direction on this issue. He too, need our prayers..

  16. What Voris is probably getting at in that quote is that since Francis isn't spouting his heretical stuff officially from the Chair of Peter, there's no need to take him seriously. (Even Benedict believed in man-made global warming, but it was just a personal opinion).

    But, saying that Francis isn't pope, but a mere man, when he says non-Catholic things, would be the same as saying when a priest does/says something wrong, he's not Fr. Whosits, but Mr. Whosits who said/did those things.

    Voris bends over backward so much pretending everything is sunshine and roses with the "Official Pope", I'm surprised his back isn't broken...

  17. Trailer for the new Pope Francis movie....

  18. I used to work for a company that had the motto, "Think straight, talk straight." What a world of difference that would make currently to Catholics if the Pope did the same.
