Monday, March 9, 2015

Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto. Let's call the whole thing off.

Pope Francis hailed the courage of Catholics who worked for Liturgical changes that brought us empty pews, moral bankruptcy, the shuttering of Parishes and Catholic schools, reduction in vocation and religious life, a flock that doesn't know their prayers, religion or right from wrong and said we must keep going forward with this magnificent agenda.

Let us thank the Lord for what he has done in his Church in these 50 years of liturgical reform. It was truly a courageous gesture for the Church to draw near to the people of God so that they are able to understand well what they are doing. This is important for us, to follow the Mass in this way. It is not possible to go backwards. We must always go forward. Always forward (applause)! And those who go backward are mistaken. Let us go forward on this path (applause, cheers). Thank you.

Here are some pictures of the parish life when Catholics just didn't understand:




We wouldn't wan't to go back when the Sacred Liturgy brought this kind of fruit.

That would be a big booboo.

It took real courage to institute the successful march forward to changes brought with Vatican II.

Here are some pictures of parish life when people really understood what was going on.

See what happens when people are able to understand HERE.

A million thank you's to the courageous people who brought the successful changes HERE.

Grab the eight old ladies and CHARGE FORWARD!

Hail, hail the gang's all here

People understand better now?

I've met a lot of priests and bishops who are out of touch with reality, but this one takes first place blue ribbon.

They haven't a CLUE what is going on in that Sanctuary.

In a full Church, there are less than a handful that know where Christ is, what He is doing and what is happening in that Sanctuary. While the handful are at Gethsemene, the Praetorium, Golgotha, they are bored out of their minds waiting for the religious entertainment. The stand up comedian. A sappy song.

They are ignorant of the presence of the Communion of Saints and Choir of Angels.

They were robbed by the 'courageous' men and women.

He is definitely not living in the same world we are - that is for sure!


Anonymous said...

Look at the bright side. As the demolition escalates we'll be looking at parish collaborative that consist. Of countries instead of adjacent ive towns and Pope O'Malley will recognized for the true visionary he is. NOT!

Anonymous said...

Well Francis did say to get out of the sanctuaries.. Get out there smelling like the sheeple and the fresh road kill. Thats how it's done down Argentina Way. I can't imagine how our Latin mass priests feel hearing the Vicar of Christ saying that to go back to the precious sacred Liturgy is wrong......sad days indeed....

Anonymous said...

Since 1949 they have been interpreting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with an irrational premise. They then extended it to Vatican Council II.Probably even you too are using the same inference, unknowingly.

Vatican Council II (premise-free) agrees with the SSPX position on an ecumenism of return and non Christians needing to convert for salvation

Fr.Robert Barron in Catholicism uses an irrational proposition to reach an irrational conclusion

Anonymous said...

The Latin Mass is a true scourge for these sets such a fear into them.

Anonymous said...

Since the Latin Mass preceded the use of the irrational premise in the interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and magisterial documents.

Michael Dowd said...

Mysterious are the ways of the Lord.

Unfortunately, most folks like Vatican II and all it's changes. And they like Pope Francis, too.

What they like is how LOVE is in and GUILT out. Things are wonderful: hell is gone, sin is gone, heaven awaits! Hallelujah come get happy and chase those blues away! Psychology has replaced theology.

I went to a exclusive Latin Mass Church in our Diocese. Two Masses are offered. Combined attendance is around 250 or less. But it is not a numbers game. God will help but patience is needed, even after 50 years of this on-going tragedy.

Pray a lot. Pray for Pope Francis.

Michael Dowd

M. Prodigal said...

But the traditional wagons are circling for defense against the slings and arrows from within and without. True shepherds are catching hell in a literal sense but that is the way of the saints. Those who compromise with the world will go the way of the world...

Anonymous said...

Excellent post and comments too.

Ever mindful said...

Have you heard of the latest exciting discovery at the Vatican!!!??

JB said...

The Mass in Latin arouses such hostility in these people that something is wrong. It's creepy. If it was as bad as they claim, they would pay no attention to it. But there is an overt hostility to it.

TTC said...

Every Mindful, that is hysterical!!

JB, I thought the same thing. Isn't it odd the Pope isn't insulting and discrediting the Melkite Liturgy and those who attend it?

There's something about the Latin Mass that really that conflicts with their peace and joy and love and kindness and support.

It's the devil.

Michael Davitt said...

Blogger TTC said...
Every Mindful, that is hysterical!!

JB, I thought the same thing. Isn't it odd the Pope isn't insulting and discrediting the Melkite Liturgy and those who attend it?

There's something about the Latin Mass that really that conflicts with their peace and joy and love and kindness and support.

It's the devil.

March 10, 2015 at 7:44 PM

Thank you for your "spot on" comments.

Anonymous said...

"It is not possible to go backwards. We must always go forward. Always forward..."

Then why did they say, when the new Mass came out, that they were going back to the way Catholics worshiped in the early Church?

And why did they bring back reception of Holy Communion under both Species when it had already been banished due to abuses centuries ago?


Dan said...

Engaging in speculation that the Catholic Church would have full pews if VII had not occurred is just that: pure speculation. Besides being unable to predict how things would be different now if event x had not occurred, one is not able to say with certainty how things will be in the future. Perhaps bloggers should stop criticizing, and start trusting the Holy Spirit.

Anonymous said...

Why does the SSPX have to interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise, for them to be granted full canonical status?

SSPX show the Vatican the Marchetti error carried over into Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus and other magisterial documents