Sunday, August 31, 2008

What ever happened to She Can Bring Home the Bacon, Fry It Up in a Pan?

Remember that commercial?

"I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan and never, never let you forget you're a man, cuz I'm a woman.."

I'm positively fascinated by the reactions of some of my liberal friends who suddenly find it preposterous that a woman can be attractive enough to be a former beauty queen, have a husband, children and a consummate career.

"This woman has five children and attends their soccer games.", said one of my most liberal friends, "I think the old man has gone senile".

"You've got to stop reading WaPo and get out of Cambridge, and the sooner, the better", I said.

I've had multiple conversations with this same friend over the last several months about the importance of getting somebody on the ticket who frequents a grocery store because the wealthy Republican establishment is a bit out of touch with the realities of the current economic nightmare.

"Who's gonna take care of her children?", she asked.

How come nobody's ever asked this question about Al Gore?

Was Mary's vocation as the Mother of God some kind of injustice to Joseph and the institution of marriage? Christ was aware of the impact of being an Apostle upon a husband and father and He chose them anyway?

It's true, people, both men and women, mothers and fathers take positions that are cumbersome on their schedules. Entrepreneurs, doctors, deacons, lawyers, lay apostolates, politicians, single parents who have to work two or three jobs to make ends meet, etc., are not going to have the same kind of provisions of a home-schooled or stay-at-home Mom. Just the same, we can be decent parents and our children can turn out to be productive and decent human beings. When people are called to a vocation, God provides and family and friends pitch in.

With trepidation and reluctance, I would have pulled the lever for John McCain in most circumstances (?Romney or Leiberman,etc.) but I'm really enthused about the prospects of his administration since his appointment of Governor Palin.


Anonymous said...

Carol - I thank God your back & you've got my prayers. This blog is so needed. Too many have decided not to vote, it is my opinion not voting in this historic election would be a sin. It's giving your vote away to Obama. God has answered the prayers of the Faithful & given us a decent choice. Now we have to act on it. For all those tired of being the underdog this is your chance to make a difference. God has empowered us. I'm excited! - Kathy

TTC said...


Prayers I sorely need. It's equally nice to see you posting!

I really missed the community of commenters.