Thursday, September 25, 2008

The blind leading the blind

No Deal today.

While the Democratic wizards have no second thoughts about where the the trillions of dollars are going to come from, the Repugs doing the math want to go back to the drawing table.

Meanwhile, Obama and his cronies are all business as usual:

When asked whether Friday's debate will go on if McCain doesn't show up, Obama said: "I hope he does."
Maybe he'll tell us to deflate our tires a little more.

God only knows how many cronies on both sides that we'll be giving multimillion dollar retirement packages?

All I know is, this is the first year in my whole life I haven't yet turned on the heat! I was frugal last year, using my fireplace to heat up those chilly nights instead of the heat (which I'll do again this year) but when it was really cold, I would kick it up for an hour to take the chill out. Not this year. Time to stop procrastinating and pick up the programmable thermostat. I also last year procrastinated putting that feltish-looking insulation around the doors and windows. But, I'm on that too!

Hopefully, the increase in taxes to cover the bailout will leave us enough money to buy what we need to survive.

There's a young homeless young women I pass on my way home from work that hangs around South Station. I usually make a point to say hello to her, sometimes she'll ask me what time it is or say what a nice day it is, etc. Most times she's by herself, sometimes with a thuggy looking character. Today, she had a nice fluffy comforter over herself.

Sorta puts things into perspective for me. Makes me feel like the sacrifices we're going to be making aren't all that burdensome.

Psalm 15

My body will rest in calm and hope.
Preserve me, Lord, I put my hope in you.

I have said to the Lord “You are my Lord, in you alone is all my good.”
As for the holy and noble men of the land, in them is all my delight.
But for those who run to alien gods, their sorrows are many.
I will not share in their libations of blood. I will not speak their names.

You, Lord, are my inheritance and my cup. You control my destiny,
the lot marked out for me is of the best, my inheritance is all I could ask for.
I will bless the Lord who gave me understanding; even in the night my heart will teach me wisdom.
I will hold the Lord for ever in my sight: with him at my side I can never be shaken.
Thus it is that my heart rejoices, heart and soul together; while my body rests in calm hope.

You will not leave my soul in the underworld. You will not let your chosen one see decay.
You will show me the paths of life, the fullness of joy before your face, and delights at your right hand until the end of time.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
My body will rest in calm and hope.

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