Thursday, September 18, 2008

Doug Kmiec is the most despicable man in the history of Christendom

Kmiec says just because Obama supports withholding medical treatment from survivors of abortion, this doesn't make him ruthless.

From NRO

Douglas Kmiec's Latest Folly [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Kmiec says that he himself would have voted for the Illinois bill to protect born-alive infants had he been in the legislature. But he does not fault Obama for voting against it. Kmiec's root defense of Obama is that the bill would have required doctors to take heroic measures to save pre-viable infants who had been delivered. "Medical ethics does not require so called 'heroic' care at either end of life, and neither does Catholic teaching," Kmiec writes. Since most of the infants protected by the law would be pre-viable, Kmiec argues further, in line with Obama's reasoning at the time, that it would be "very likely unconstitutional in most of its applications."

Kmiec makes the sweeping statement that infants born alive are "pre-viable"?

He uses the word "most" as though we are not supposed to notice that even though the infants who happen to fall through the cracks in his thesis will die, he is making virtuous statements in the name of Christ's Church.

Kmiec stoops to the level of saying Catholic teaching does not "require" being heroic when they are in a position to save a life?

Further, Kmiec is misrepresenting the bill:

None of this is true. First of all, it bears repeating that the Illinois bill was always very similar to the federal born-alive statute and, when Obama killed it in committee, nearly identical to it. That law has never been held unconstitutional. I am not aware of any pro-abortion groups that have even tried to advance the claim. Nor does the law do what Kmiec claims it does. The House Judiciary Committee's report on the federal bill took some pains to address this very point. Medical care could be refused to a pre-viable infant, as it could be to a viable infant or, indeed, to anyone at all, if in the judgment of a doctor that care would not achieve anything. It could simply not be withheld from the pre-viable infant on the ground that this being is not a person recognized by the law.
This is a man who knows the truth and is spinning it. I don't think I've ever seen or read anything in the history of Christendom that was as despicable.

Prayers for the release his soul (perhaps to Padre Pio?) from whatever has him held captive.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for printing this.

Anonymous said...

We give more rights to dogd cats and other brutes but we cannot find it within us to love one of ours a child with a beating heart in the womb. This delight of creation are worthless to most and this Kmiec obviosly has no values, morals or ethics whatsoever