Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Got Change? Better spend it before Obama takes it

McCain's hammering on Obama's "mandates" and "fines" on health care was impressive, as was his positions on taxes, the economic mess, social security, medicare, national security and military policies, his love and pride for America.

Obama comes off as bitter, without a shred of honor and pride in anything but himself. He's got a chip on his shoulder from all the conspiracy theories against whitey and "the government" swirling in his head. Announcing his plans to attack Pakistan is weird and wreckless. He's playing semantics with words about the extortion and threats to Pakistan that they "get" the boogeyman or Obama will invade them. Period. The stupid idea that we can negotiate with a homocidal antisemetic lunatic is foolish.

And, McCain is right about his many efforts working with Democrats and opposing things in his own party - and Obama's goose egg for bipartisan efforts.

This was was a jewel:

Obama Says that McCain [Ramesh Ponnuru]

"believes in deregulation in every circumstance." He cannot possibly believe what he is saying.

I liked McCain's ending. It was effective and moving. A steady hand at the tiller...but he's got to say "my friends" a LOT less infrequently.

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