Sunday, November 2, 2008


Obama's Illegal Immigrant Auntie has been holed up in federally funded housing in Southie!

A Boston Housing Authority official said yesterday the agency was never notified of a deportation order issued for Barack Obama’s aunt, who has been living in federal- and state-funded public housing in South Boston since 2003.

BHA Deputy Director William McGonagle said Zeituni Onyango, 56, a native of Kenya, met the criteria to live in federally funded housing when she applied in 2003. The Associated Press reported yesterday that an immigration judge instructed Onyango to leave the country in 2004 after her asylum request was denied.

She's now living it up on Flaherty Way, courtesy of the tax payers of Massachusetts.

Did you know this:

Unlike the case with federal public housing, tenants moving into state-funded housing in Massachusetts do not have to prove their citizenship or immigration status. According to the state Department of Housing and Community Development, “As a result of a consent decree in federal court in 1977, the state cannot deny state-subsidized public housing to undocumented immigrants.”

How absurd, while our own citizens cannot afford their heat, medications, food and shelter.

Since 2006, state Sen. Robert L. Hedlund Jr. (R-Weymouth) has tried three times to close the loophole that makes state-funded public housing available to illegal immigrants. All those efforts failed in legislative conference committees, Hedlund said yesterday.

“It is a massive, absurd loophole that we can fix very easily,” Hedlund said. “We’ve got some people in the Legislature that think it’s acceptable because these people are vulnerable and need housing, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of some of the 100,000 people who are on the waiting list here in the commonwealth.”

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