Saturday, November 22, 2008

Biden and Abortion: The Conscience Takes No Prisoners

Following the Fall meeting of the U.S. Catholic bishops in Baltimore, where they pledged not to yield ground to the incoming Obama administration on the issue of abortion, Bishop Samuel Aquila has revealed that vice president-elect Joe Biden is struggling with his conscience over his support for abortion.

Fr. Corapi's EWTN lecture last night touched upon confirming people in their sins, the moral blindness and deafness, the murder of a conscience, the blood of the innocents that cry out for vengeance, defender of truth or lies, walking in light or darkness, the way of life and the way of death.

He joked about Jesus's message to a crowd of people whose consciences were too dead to have any idea what Christ was talking about. I know why you don't understand me, I know why you don't get what I'm saying - your father is the devil. Father said Christ would be shuffled off to sensitivity training.

“We bishops are united in our teaching and our belief in the sanctity of all life. That’s not new, and it’s across the board, and some politicians have missed that.”

One particular threat to the unborn that the bishops are worried about is the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which President-elect Obama said he would sign into law as his first act as president.

Bishop Aquila criticized Obama’s willingness to sign the Act in his most recent column for the Diocese of Fargo newspaper, writing that Obama “directly opposes the divine law of God concerning the dignity of each human life, and so he strongly disagrees with the position of the Catholic Church.”

Given the serious threats posed by FOCA and by Catholics with poorly formed consciences who vote in favor of keeping abortion legal, the U.S. bishops are redoubling their efforts to explain the Church’s teaching. ......

“The nice thing about Biden, at least he says his conscience bothers him, which is good,” Aquila said.

Bishop Aquila argues that this stirring in their conscience needs to go further. “But they really should not be presenting themselves for Holy Communion because it is a scandal. And by us giving them Holy Communion, essentially what is communicated to them is that their position is fine.”

The Bishop of Tallahassee-Pensacola agrees with this as well. After a visit to his diocese by Biden during the presidential campaign, Bishop John Richard wrote to the politician and told him to examine his conscience about his support for laws that “fail to protect the unborn” before going to Communion.

Who'll win the battle in Biden's conscience depends upon who he decides holds the truth - his running mate or the Roman Catholic Church.

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