Sunday, December 21, 2008

Caroline Kennedy can see the United Nations from her Apartment

Howie Carr had a good column today on duplicity.

The difference between Massachusetts 1962 and New York 2008 is that Teddy had to run for the office. Forty-six years later, his niece Caroline expects - no, demands - to have a Senate seat handed to her, on a silver platter.

Elections? Kennedys don’t need no stinkin’ elections.

Apparently the U.S. doesn’t have a Senate anymore. We have a House of Lords. Instead of seats, we have peerages.

By now everyone has noticed that all the media hags who were so bent out of shape about Sarah Palin’s alleged lack of experience are touting Caroline’s deep hands-on credentials as . . . honorary chairman of the American Ballet Theater.

Not chairman, mind you. Honorary chairman.

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