Monday, January 5, 2009

Bishops Actually Doing Something about FOCA

Massive postcard campaign a few days after inauguration to put the skids on FOCA.

This is amazing considering where we were four years ago when the Catholic Conference of Bishops was the breeding ground for drivel.

An old remnant of a presyberate that would look the other way at pedophilia to focus on the collection basket, unemployment and do not litter campaigns is rearing it's ugly head in Minnesota:

But one Minnesota priest is breaking ranks with the national campaign, raising the ire of local and national pro-life Catholics, including some who are calling for his excommunication from the church.

“Our nation and new president will be challenged by ongoing wars, an economy in severe recession, ballooning deficits, high unemployment and an environment and health care system in crisis,” wrote the Rev. Michael Tegeder of St. Edward’s Church in Bloomington. “Yet at this very moment the Catholic bishops have declared that they have this more pressing need.”

This priest isn't going to break a sweat over women being exploited and children killed - but littering and unemployment, now there is a problem.

Beware of those who would kill the soul.

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