Saturday, January 31, 2009

He Who Makes Kittens Puts Snakes in the Grass

The big news on Capitol Hill on Friday is that President Barack Obama is considering appointing pro-life Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire as his Commerce Secretary. While it may appear that Obama is showing common ground on abortion, the move could make it very difficult for pro-life advocates.

The pro-life movement is very concerned about the potential for passage of the Freedom of Choice Act, a bill that would make unlimited abortions the national law and overturn 36 years worth of pro-life state laws that are reducing abortions.

Should Gregg accept a potential appointment, pro-abortion New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch would appoint his replacement.

With a House and Senate controlled by abortion advocates, the only potential for stopping the FOCA bill could be a filibuster by pro-life senators. If Senator Gregg leaves the Senate and is replaced by a pro-abortion lawmaker, that ability to hold up the pro-abortion bill becomes more complicated.

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