Sunday, February 1, 2009

Doug Kmiec and his Cronies - for the record

Kmiec's crowd loves to sell the notion that sanctifying grace is free. It isn't. You've got to suffer painful sacrifices to obtain it. It comes at a great price.

When the going got rough with the economy, the devil held out the bread and more than half of Catholic voters took it. Kmiec was a tool in the transaction.

They just don't get the story of faithful servant under excruciating circumstances.

Imagine living this life with the entire meaning of Job and Christ being lost to you?

What else is there?


  1. You make an excellent point. The devil will not present himself as shown in drawing or in movies. Evil comes dressed in pretty clothes and with fancy words. Subtlety is just one of his tools. If the devil showed up saying follow me to eternal damnation he'd get very few takers. However, offering false comfort and an easy path . . . .

  2. Bill,

    Usually, the devil comes offering you something you are hungering for, need or desire.

    What could be more innocuous than holding out a loaf of bread in a desert to a hungry man?

    The voters took the bait. Sadly, Kmiec is being used to gather up the needy, desperate and blind. It reminds me of stealing a wallet from a man in a wheelchair.
