Saturday, January 17, 2009

Strickland Administration Continues To Be Untruthful about McFadden

This was a leadership position and after some time it became clear it wasn't a good fit and it wasn't working out," Dailey said. "It was a mutually agreed decision."

Dailey would not be specific, but said the administration did not witness any activity related to what McFadden is now charged with. "This is a shocking and appalling situation," Dailey said.

Perhaps Mr. Daily is unaware of what knowledge Strickland had, but he needs to touch base with Christine Thompson who serves as Legal Counsel and ask her whether she and her attorney colleagues at Strickland's Office were ever the recipient of persons giving them links, oral explanations of Eric McFadden's conduct, letters which were written to Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good that had excerpts from McFadden showing a mental imbalance & frightening rage, whether or not the person or persons supplying such information to Governor Strickland told them that Mr. McFadden demonstrated a deranged malice tinged with some kind of sexual nuance, from a victim undergoing a long period of sexual harassment and stalking who had been fearful enough to call the police.

Here are excerpts from my email:

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 8:03 am


"I have not had the opportunity to dig out the multitude of paper trails of Eric McFadden's communications from my storage area, but I am forwarding the attached pdf which contains quotes and the IP address he was using at the time. I had copied and pasted the quotes and his IP address to send to his former employer who was empowering him at the time. I had no idea what the name "Eamon" stood for and when I did a google I came up with a raunchy singer whose lyrics were consistent with the things he was posting and sending me. McFadden susequently clarified the use of the name "Eamon" is from an Irish politician and this may be true, but the bottom line is McFadden was scary enough and lyrics were consistent with his attacks and the conclusion I drew was in character to me at the time."

"He is currently using the IP address of using various names to post on a site of other individuals whom he threatens but wading through his comments makes me physically ill and I just do not have the stamina at this time to give you more ammunition. McFadden's website and the attached should be enough for you to see that he is unhinged. You could always supplement your investigation by contacting the people he references (*****, *******, ******, ********, etc.), should you so desire. I'm sure they each would have a story to tell."

"Christine, I do not know your political or theological affiliations, or if you have one, but these kinds of tactics are not rooted in faith in God. They bear no resemblence to Christ which he uses as a weapon."

"Nobody should be empowering McFadden politically because the attached file is what he does with that power. He is a predator. I hope and pray that Governor Strickland does all he can to ensure that prolifers are protected from this kind of poliitical vengence."

"Can you please confirm that you have received this email and the attached?"

Thank you, and I look forward to a response on behalf of the Governor.

Carol McKinley
Do the Math.

For his last month as director, McFadden's pay was slashed to $41,600 and his replacement was brought in. On Oct. 28, 2007, McFadden was transferred to the corrections department, where he coordinated volunteer and outreach efforts for the prison system's faith-based services.

I contacted Strickland's office approximately October 5th, had a few conversations and sent a some materials via email to Strickland's leading counsel. He referred me to Christine. I spoke to her and on October 10th, sent her the information via email - including the current IP address he was using to torment people, links to things McFadden authored himself and asked her to do some diligence of her own. The following day, McFadden disappears from the Office for Faith Based Initiatives, they "slash" his salary (?severance) and his replacement is brought in on October 28th.

Strickland's story currently is, they never had any knowledge of creepy misconduct and McFadden's lack of leadership skills in the role of faith-based outreach led to his departure.

That story doesn't really hold water, and I'll tell you why.

When Strickland was putting together his outreach team for his run with national Hillary Clinton team (which he was the number one pick for V.P.), he rounded up McFadden.

If your employee had a leadership problem in a dinky faith-based outreach operation, you wouldn't recruit him to run the Clinton/Strickland faith-based operation in the important state of Ohio, would you.

That would defy common sense.

What did Strickland know and when did he know it?

Strickland's staff certainly did not act upon what I provided them with because they were skeptical it was some kind of political ploy. They conducted their own investigation of his activities. I'm curious to know what they found, given the fact that we now know McFadden was not only the "go to" pimp for Ohio, he was "compelling prostitution" of minors. Compelling prostitution as in involving threats and intimidation?

Strickland's counsel, Christine Thompson, is not going to divulge information that violates attorney/client privilege.

But, I was not her client.

She can answer whether or not they conducted an investigation in October of 2007 after receiving information from person or persons alleging misconduct and whether the timing of the investigation was immediately preceding McFadden's departure from the Faith-Based Initiatives Office. She can be asked whether the complainant had questioned whether or not McFadden had escalated his weirdness by taking on a persona of a musician who sang about pimping women, mistreating women, including having thoughts about murdering them - and whether they took that seriously and if so, how could McFadden possibly have ended up leading the faith-based outreach in Ohio for Clinton - a crucial state to win in a campaign which Strickland was running strategy and rumored to be the number one pick for Vice President.

Governor Strickland seems like a good man and I believe his staff was earnest and acting in good faith. I don't for a minute believe they knew McFadden was the state pimp, but I did wonder what they found, and I now wonder whether they found evidence he was visiting these pimping sites during work. If they did, it would be logical that they merely assumed he was simply "reading" to educate himself about sexual opportunities during his off duty time - which would be a time bomb to have on their staff. But, that is about protecting themselves, not the women.

Whatever Strickland's staff found, they found something, which coupled with the information they were given that alleged she was one scared woman not only for herself but the likelihood he was abusing other women - they shuffled him quickly out of the office for faith based initiatives. To say now that they were ignorant of any suspicious or threatening activity does not comport with the facts on record. To also imply that they take women seriously who report a dangerous situation doesn't make a lot of sense when you see Strickland ensured McFadden was given an appointment in the Clinton/Strickland presidential campaign.

Hindsight is all 20/20. But, let's have the decency to be honest that they had knowledge that McFadden had a propensity towards bullying women, compulsive and frightening conduct with some kind of sexual nuance to the phenomenon. This is fairly germane to the discussion of what he knew and what he did after he knew.

I also made several phone calls and spoke to several persons at the White House Faith Based Initiatives Office during the period when I believed Eric had escalated his bullying and weird sexual references by incorporating his alias as Eamon in his gig - which to me trumped my fear that taking an action to protect myself would escalate McFadden's derangement and would result in some form of retaliation that would not be in the bests interests of my children. I would imagine those are public records. I'll get a confirmation next week from that office of the timing of my calls.

A reader reminded me yesterday that satellite pictures of my home were once posted on the internet by an anonymous source as a threatening gesture. When somebody with a mental problem starts stalking you and making it clear they want you to shut up, the situation becomes unpredictable.

At a time when I thought McFadden was brazen enough to take on, anonymously, the persona of a musician who sings about pimping women, sexual violence and even murdering women, it was time to start recruiting people on his own side to get him to stop. Naturally, I thought, if it came from his own political colleagues, he would see his tactical political strategies were going too far.

The facts of record are also, that in February of 2007, I contacted Alexia Kelley and Chris Korzen, I had several personal communications with both of them and there is no disputing that I made clear that I was extremely concerned that McFadden was victimizing other people, that his tone to me included strange sexual nuances and bizarre commentary that were the utterings of a very unbalanced man - and, when I asked them to help, they threatened me with a lawsuit if I made these facts public knowledge.

These good old boy networks should be busted.

*****I figured out how to post the emails I sent to Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. It's uploaded to this free webhosting site. Crude but will do the job. I've linked it into the story and as well as linking here.

UPDATE: Rich Leonardi tells of a veiled legal threat from McFadden:

"He posted a veiled threat of legal action to one of my posts. It sounds like I got off easy"

"Easy" is an understatement. I'm sure any and every prolifer who at all had some successes at one time or another was bullied and threatened by this psychopath and the luminaries who empowered him. Jay Anderson himself recognized the M.O. and said that based on my description, he had also encountered McFadden.

I think the days that a politically connected lawyer (or even a desperate ambulance chaser) would help McFadden terrorize have passed. The jig is up.


  1. It's hard to believe it's possible they were unaware of his double life and addiction to prostitutes just from what one can find if you search around and see how obsessive he was about it. That they were also warned by you, though, it's pretty damning.

    I searched his name SullivantGuy and was taken to a still-active prostitution-review web site called USASexGuide (I assume this is a different site than the one he set up). In the Columbus, Ohio, section, McFadden can be seen obsessively posting his disgisting reviews for years! It actually appears that he was picking up hookers on an almost daily basis, and I saw that even other people posting on that site sometimes thought he was creepy and alleged he would be stalkerish to prostitutes.
    Link here, but you probably don't wanna browse that stuff -- it's disturbing. It gives you a feel for why Columbus police are referring to him as the "guru" of prostitution in Columbus. He is someone with some severe problems, so severe I doubt they went unnoticed by Strickland's people.

  2. P.S. I'm glad that his arrest has given you some comfort after the way he threatened an harrassed you. That was very troubling to read about, as is all the other stuff on him. But you were smart to keep a paper trail. God bless you.

  3. Thanks. I too find it impossible to believe that Strickland's staff did not see manifestation of his creepiness.

    When he picks you out as something he's going to pursue, the obsessiveness is frightening.

    I appreciate your summary of his obsessions and most especially that even the sex addicts noted he was over the top. The guy is consumed.

    Hopefully, he'll be chained up for a while because my experiences with him - he'll be right back at it as soon as he has the freedom.

  4. Would you kindly send me the links where posters commented that he was creepy and probably stalking prostitutes?

    I don't want to wade through the filth but they would be helpful to me for information that I'm going to be passing on to officials.

    Thanks in advance.

    Carol McKinley

  5. They found out that he attacked me in March-April 2006 when I was working as a hands off escort. He went crazy when he realized I really was hands off and wouldn't have sex with him. It's all in the police records in Frankin County. He was brought in for questioning(arrested). They knew he was sick, they hid it. I have it all voice recorded.

  6. "They found out that he attacked me in March-April 2006 when I was working as a hands off escort. He went crazy when he realized I really was hands off and wouldn't have sex with him. It's all in the police records in Frankin County. He was brought in for questioning(arrested). They knew he was sick, they hid it. I have it all voice recorded."

    I'm very sorry you experienced Eric McFadden's addiction and rage.

    Yeah -many people knew he was a psychopath and found his antics amusing. The good news is, they're not laughing anymore.

    I believe I found the police report pertaining to your incident with McFadden - kidnapping and telephone harassment. I posted it in another post.

    If you are interested in publishing more details about the incident, I'm willing to do so. You have a recording of it? That, I would like to hear. If you want to talk about publishing the details, drop me an email at
