Should give a whole new meaning to catholic alliance for the common good, catholics united, Catholic faithful citizenship.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 12:32 pm
Subject: McFadden and Catholics In Alliance for the Common Good
"Jennifer Goff, director of communications for Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, told NCR that members of the organization were "incredibly saddened and shocked" by the news of McFadden’s charges and arrest. She said, "We are praying for anyone involved or harmed in this situation, and for Mr. McFadden and his family."
I beg your pardon, but the above publicity statement indicating they are shocked and saddened that McFadden turned out to be a dangerous person to women does not comport with the facts.
In February of 2007, I communicated with Alexia Kelley, Chris Korzen and their attorney to bring to their attention McFadden's compulsive stalking conduct which was tinged with bullying and sexual nuances that were threatening enough that I made a phone call to the Columbus police - and I asked for them to intercede. I mentioned that I was very concerned that he may be victimizing others.
I have attached proof of my communications with them from February of 2007 making the dangerous person McFadden was known to them. I also had phone conversations with them during that time. The Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, threatened me with a lawsuit if I divulged any such information and I was dismissed.
Stay tuned to my blog for updated details on my communications with them and with Governor Strickland's office, who is also misleading people into thinking they had never had any kind of notification of dangerous behavior and now they are shocked and saddened.
Victims of this man and the people who empowered him do not have to be afraid anymore.
Carol McKinley
By the way, Can you catch the sentiments of the organization McFadden ran with "Catholic Democrats" in their response:
Upon hearing of the arrest, the organization, Catholic Democrats reacted saying that it is “sad news” that a “committed Catholic Democrat” has been arrested under such accusations.
Is it me, or does this stink of implying the accusations are part of a right wing conspiracy against a committed Catholic lobbyist drummed up by the Republicans?
Even my own cynicism did not adequately prepare me for the disingenuous responses of these various characters.
Didn't hear back from Tom Fox-but I did send him another email to let him know how compelling this story is and how important it is to Catholics to thoroughly weed out anyone who protects predators and threatens complainants. We do not put up with this with our priests and Bishops and we must not put up with it from lay organizations.
Sent: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 7:21 pm
Subject: re: Eric McFadden and Catholics in Alliance --comments posted on NCR site
I hope you had a good weekend and I'm looking forward to touching base with you.
We don't let priests or Bishops get away with protecting predators and we must not let lay people get away with it.
I've added the below comments to your story and I would greatly appreciate an email back to me so that we can arrange to speak.
Carol McKinley
Allow me to make myself perfectly clear.
The Catholic Alliance for the Common Good had information that they were employing and empowering a dangerous predator in February of 2007. Instead of doing something about it, they threatened the complainant.
This is outrageous conduct and conduct that we should hold them accountable for as Roman Catholics. There is a history that these individuals will protect a predator and threaten the person complaining about that predator.
Now McFadden stands accused of compelling prostitution of minors, along with other charges. Compelling prostitution, as in using threats and coercion. My letters made perfectly clear that McFadden was a time bomb and that I feared and had concern for victims in the future and I told them that they should have concern as well.
Since the National Catholic Reporter has given a platform to Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good in many of your stories, you have a duty to get out to your readers the internal corruption of this group and the dangers they present.
My letters to the Catholic Alliance for the Common Good regarding the dangerous person they were employing can now be found at the website below.
I've written to Tom Fox and I do hope to hear from him regarding this situation.
Carol McKinley
Carol, Your posts deserve wider notice in the Catholic blogsphere. Why not send information on this story to some of the better-established traditional blogs (The Anchoress, American Papist, Curt Jester, even WDTPRS)? You can probably think of some others.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your suggestions. (I actually can't find the time to get around Catholic blogosphere for the past several years. I usually act on the stories emailed to me or pick them up in news sources.)
ReplyDeleteIf you can think of any others, let me know. I was planning to add a few things and send them to traditional news sources (a few of whom are already inquiring)
Carol, I can add Michael Brown of Spirit Daily. He used to be a mainstream media reporter. His site can tend to be on the sensational side, but he has a wide following. The Catholic Key blog may also be interested, as might St. Louis Catholic and Kansas City Catholic. God speed.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I shall add those to the list.
ReplyDeleteIt is out there in a few places and from the traffic numbers from those posts, the information is definitely getting out to a lot of places all over the world.
and at: On their January 16th news
and at jay anderson's blog here:
I appreciate your suggestions and have sent them their way as well as other places.