Friday, February 20, 2009

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good Had Two Dogs in the Race

Deal Hudson posted a link to the Catholic Key Blog reporting new information On Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good.

This new revelation gives a whole new meaning to Catholics United "parish protection program" sending the sexually disturbed psychopath Eric McFadden to parishes in Ohio to chase prolifers around in parking lots. It was courtesy of Barack Obama. This only adds fuel to my conviction that the Democrats are setting up machines within the US Government to haze and threaten Catholics loyal to the compass of the Catholic Church.

Elizabeth Frawley Bagley is the board chair of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. As reported here earlier, Bagley is anything but nonpartisan. In fact, she has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to the DNC and scores of pro-abortion Democrat politicians including Al Franken, Barbara Boxer, Claire McCaskill, Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. She personally raised at least $350,000 for the Obama campaign and was a member of his national finance team according to an interview in the Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror.

....However, one day after the election, on November 5, Bagley sat for an interview on the internet broadcast Paltalk News. Host Gary Baumgarten introduced Bagley as the person "who was responsible for getting out the Catholic vote for Obama," - a claim she did not deny. In his synopsis of the show, Baumgarten also describes Bagley as "an official of the Barack Obama campaign."

Eric McFadden's inability to restrain his genitalia, wasn't his only restraint problem. He also had trouble restraining his tongue. He would openly say that his stalking and threats were backed by Nancy Pelosi, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Ted Strickland, Burns Strider, who were all poised to publicly assassinate the character and mission of prolife Catholics by way of plotted attacks of intimidation using government agencies, blogs,the media and other methods of retaliation.

God O Thunder would claim to be invincible and backed by the DNC.

Hillary certainly gave McFadden's claim veracity.

Hillary herself:

At a convention of left-wing bloggers last summer, Hillary Clinton announced, “We are . . . putting together a network in the blogosphere.”

Her remarks became public only three weeks ago, on Oct. 2, when an anonymous person posted a shaky, hand-held videotape of her speech on YouTube. In it, Hillary bragged that she had helped create “institutions” which had produced a left-wing “network in theblogosphere” capable of “matching” the alleged “advantage of the other side.”
They called their "institution" the "Faith Working Group". The Democrats had Alexia operating Obama's "faith" machine and "Catholics United" operated Hillary's. Both Groups are part and parcel of "Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good". They had two dogs in the race.

The Democrat's "Faith Working Group", was indeed led by none other than Ms. Pelosi:

Burns Strider, one of the Democratic Party’s leading strategists on winning over evangelicals and other values-driven voters, will join Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) as she prepares to launch her 2008 presidential campaign.

Strider now heads religious outreach for the House Democratic Caucus, and is the lead staffer for the Democrats’ Faith Working Group, headed by incoming Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.).

Burns Strider blabbed about the group here.

We have direct lines to the candidate. There's interaction; decisions are being made. The faith office is at the table every morning, fully integrated into the campaign. Faith work has to be substantive, it has to be real in people's lives and it has to be taken seriously."

The Democrats know that they can win when they talk about their faith. The evidence was in the 2006 midterm elections when some Democratic candidates made their faith an important part of their platform.

Strider says, "We did it with Heath Shuler, Ted Strickland, Bob Casey, Tim Kaine and others by talking about their faith and no one turned into a pillar of salt. We have showcased the last few years that being authentically Democratic and authentically faithful is not only compatible, but powerful. All of these Democratic candidates are authentic and that's a good thing for our nation."

I'm all the more convinced they were all "sitting around the table" with "direct lines to the candidates" right at Ted Strickland's office and McFadden was using the resources of the State of Ohio to execute their plans.

The machine was and is well greased by the money from George Soros and the DNC.

It turns out that after I asked Strickland's legal team to check out McFadden's computer and they temporarily protected McFadden, the infamous Helen Jones-Kelley signed McFadden's "transfer". (I don't think that's going to play out to Strickland's advantage when I send my file to the OIG?)

Here's the kicker:

"Our practice is when someone is thrust quickly into the public spotlight, we often take a look" at them, Jones-Kelley said, citing a case where a lottery winner was found to owe past-due child support. "Our practice is to basically look at what is coming our way."

This from a woman who involved herself in shuffling Eric McFadden's after I filed a complaint about his computer diddlings.

When Strickland stumped for the job of Hillary Clinton's VP, he plucked McFadden out of the safety net and put the "Sullivant Guy" (McFadden) into a key role in the Democratic "Faith-Based Initiatives".

With the latest news that radical in-love-with-abortion Kathleen Sebelius is being tapped for Obama's Health and Human Services Chief, Catholics are publicizing Sebelius's abortion agenda and Soros and the DNC continue to fire salvos by way of the useful idiots at Catholics United.

“Had Mr. Donohue been interested in presenting a full accounting of the facts, he would have mentioned Gov. Sebelius's tireless support for children's health care and education, and her efforts to provide public financing for adoption and pregnancy support centers – all components of an effective pro-life agenda that can find broad support among the American people. Had Mr. Donohue been interested in presenting a full accounting of the facts, he would have mentioned that the number of abortions in Kansas declined by 12.6% from 2001 to 2007, due in part to Gov. Sebelius's advocacy for pregnant women and struggling families.”

“Like Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann – who often seems more interested in scoring political points against Gov. Sebelius than crafting effective abortion policy within the reality of politics – Mr. Donohue is doing a disservice to those Americans who will benefit from Gov. Sebelius's leadership as Health and Human Services Secretary. We remind U.S. Catholics and other observers that the Catholic League is part of a right-wing political movement at the margins of the Catholic community, and urge them to view Mr. Donohue and his comments in this context.”

“None of these archbishops overreacted. Not only does Sebelius support the now outlawed practice of killing babies who are 80 percent born, so-called partial-birth abortion, she has accepted donations from one of the most notorious practitioners of this Nazi-style act—Dr. George Tiller. Moreover, she even hosted a dinner for him in the Governor’s Mansion.

Tiller has no shame for his executions - he readily admits he's killing a baby and he's graciously arrange for the baptism of the dead in one fell swoop:

“Tiller knows exactly what he is doing. On his website, he cites that one of the ‘Three Rules of the Practice’ of late-term abortion care is ‘Time, patience, and the baby will come.’ (His italics.) The baby will come?

“I’ve saved the best for last. Tiller’s Women’s Health Care Services advertises a chaplaincy program that provides ‘sacraments such as baptism of the still born [sic] fetus and blessings for the aborted fetus.’ Yet no one—including Tiller—offers baptism or blessings for shoes or salamanders. Just kids. We called and asked why the distinction between the baptism for the stillborn and blessings for the aborted baby. Chaplain Diane Warren just laughed and said they would do whatever was requested. But of course—it’s all about choice! The kind of choice that Sebelius loves.”

Don't miss this link from the American Papist. Laying claim that social justice and wider access to abortion decreases - under Sebelius the abortion cheerleader, abortions increased:

update: thank you to the readers who have left comments and emailed me. Steven Ertelt of LifeNews:

Catholics United also claims abortions have declined under Sebelius, even though they actually went up 6.5 percent in 2006 thanks in part to Sebelius failing to support any abortion limits.

According to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment report, there were 11,221 abortions in Kansas in 2006, up from 10,543 abortions in 2005.

Pro-life groups say the increase has to do with a lack of enforcement of laws limiting late-term abortions and a court's decision to drop 30 misdemeanor charges against Tiller, who has been accused of doing the abortions without a legitimate medical reason.

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