Saturday, February 21, 2009

The plot thickens

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 11:27 am
Subject: comfirm/deny


Did Senator Kennedy's Office initiate a phone call to you regarding this story?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 11:17 am
Subject: shooting a flare across your bow


I noted with interest your quote in the Amy Sullivan article:

James Salt, director of organizing for the progressive organization Catholics United, thinks the USCCB has been prodded into focusing on FOCA by misinformation from conservative groups. "These right-wing organizations are deliberately misleading people in order to stoke the culture war," says Salt. "They're using this as a fundraising tool, as a way to gain up their relevancy. And unfortunately, some of these groups have the ear of certain bishops."

"Certain Bishops"? That's a bit of an understatement when the entire Conference of Catholic Bishops is ramping up efforts to put pressure against FOCA. Obama made it clear he intended to garner support to pass FOCA as one of his top priorities and we have no intention of laying low while he does it. The pro-life community intends to vehemently oppose and resist this radical offense to the dignity of human life.

I also find it fascinating that the National Catholic Reporter picked up on the story and added their own twist of attack.I know how much you guys like "accurate information" and since there appears to be a loose cannon on Brownback's staff making the foolish error of throwing orthodox Catholics under a bus by giving Feuerherd inaccurate information, I thought it worthwhile to drop you a line to recount for you that my recollection was that when the Brownback letter was produced, it was done with Brownback's permission.

Since I've been building the case that your phony baloney Catholic Alliance/Catholics United shtick is working with the DNC and the proabort politicians in it and using the National Catholic Reporter as a tool to attack Catholics whose compass is faithful to the tenets of the Catholic Religion - - I'd like to know if a Catholic politician made a phone call to the National Catholic Reporter to initiate their story. I'm going to find out and when I do, I'm going to add it to the pile of evidence - along with your most recent salvo at Bishop Naumann. Keep firing away boys!

Good day to you sir!

Carol McKinley

p.s. My most recent posts may be of interest to you:

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good.

Catholics United.

Fishwrap rots from the head down.


  1. Is Senator Brownback's staff actually saying he doesn't agree with the contents of the letter????

    That's shocking.

  2. Contact Greta? Hannity? There must be a cable media outlet with an interest in the higher political connections in the Dem party to so-called Catholic peace& justice groups like Catholics in Alliance.

  3. Let me add this and it applies to me as well as to others. I have a blog and the biggest arguments I get into over Catholicism, that is orthodoxy comes from two sources. The first and most dreadful is from so called traditional catholics who will not get off their Mr or mrs B.O.T. Toms yet are SPIRITualy jealous of anyone zealous enough to do what the sacrament fo Confirmation urges nay tells us to be that is Soldiers of Christ and Defenders of the Faith. The second group is those not long in the faith and are zealous adherents of the RCIA program and are democratic Liberal in their viewpoint and with these we can never be right as they have never been told now you are catholic and we are different in outlook and dogma

  4. Sam Brownback's staff is asking people to believe that Deal Hudson fabricated his stationary and sent that letter out without Sam's permission?

    That's just not believable, even if it weren't coming from the rouge rag
    (National Catholic Reporter).

    Only two things could be happening. Either there was a missed communication of permission to the staff, or Sam is the type to heave people overboard who rounded up critical support for him in Catholic circles.

    The third possibility is, Brownback now sees Catholics as an impediment to his political aspirations.

    Carole, my wife and I are praying for your efforts to expose the Catholic Alliance crowd. Keep up the great work.


  5. The NCR story was done at the request of Ted Kennedy?

    I'm terribly sorry Kennedy is suffering and dying, but shying away from revelations that Catholic politicians are betrayed their faith with the legislation they're on board with, is wimpy.

    The Brownback people can't be trusted? What a shame and disappointment.

    I gave the maximum donation to his presidential campaign. He won't be seeing that again.

  6. But, he's sure to have a brain. A heart. A home. The nerve.

  7. Kudos to the Brownback people for having a spine.
