Sunday, February 22, 2009

If it's invisible, is it really there?

"Cardinal's Turn on Pope Invisible"

The sky is falling.

Notorious dissenters Cardinal Walter Kasper, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn predicts the end of Christendom.

He doesn't eat breakfast with them.

When he meets people, they are not on the list of invitees.

He's eating on plates with gold rims.

Instead of asking for their opinion, he reads the files.

He prays and writes.

This story takes the cake. They want to blame the Pope for making decisions based on their incompetent diligence.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this piece! Imagine, the Pope is suppossed to consult his appointees for direction, to clarify difficulties, to tell him what is politically correct and what isn't...there's no way that this Pope is being inspired and directed by Christ Himself, seeing as he is His representative on earth...??? No, too far-fetched for the all knowing cardinals/bishops who don't want to upset people with the ...shall we say it...TRUTH. The Jews revolted at what Christ said 2000+ years ago - why should't they treat His Vicar any differently? The pity is that those who should know better have joined in the fray. Pray for the Pope who suffers much.

TTC said...

Anon, your comment was fun to read.

Thanks for kind words.