However, the Caritas Christi Health Care network is moving in the opposite direction.
A St. Louis-based company, Caritas has joined in a bid to provide government-subsidized health insurance in Massachusetts. Caritas Christi, is joining with Centene Corporation in a bid for the government contract that would include coverage for abortion.
In an interview with the Boston Globe, Nancy Turnbull, an associate dean at the Harvard School of Public Health, complained that Caritas doesn't do abortions. As a result, she opposes its bid to provide state-subsidized health insurance through the Commonwealth Care program.
In response, Caritas released a statement last month saying the new venture "will contract with providers, both in and out of the Caritas network, to ensure access to all services required by the authority, including confidential family planning services."
Repeat of my blog post from a few days ago...
Rights of Catholic Healthcare Workers Now Nationally Threatened

In the ongoing battle against gog and magog, as expected, the Democrats are taking away the abortion "conscience clause" and ultimately the rights to the livelihoods of Catholic doctors, nurses, pharmacists.
What does it all mean?
It means with respect to killing another human being, if your conscience works, you've got to leave your job. If you're in medical school, you've got to switch majors. Gone will be the days when faithful Catholics can work in healthcare.
Of course, Mitt Romney did this in Massachusetts years ago.
Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom previously said the governor supports exempting Catholic and private hospitals because it "respects the views of health care facilities that are guided by moral principles on this issue."
Romney, having moral principles guided by political expediency, sold the constitutional freedoms of Catholics when the rogue anti-Catholic Massachusetts legislature pushed back.
"On that basis I have instructed the Department of Public Health to follow the conclusion of my own legal counsel and to adopt that sounder view," Romney said, according to an AP report.Not only did the Catholic Bishops go along with it - attorney general Tom Reilly, who said this:
The new law will go into effect on December 14 and Attorney General Tom Reilly, a Democrat who is running for governor next year, said he would make sure it's strongly enforced against all hospitals.
- the Massachusetts Bishops hired to marshal from within.
Tom Reilly is right in place to to make sure Obama, Pelosi, Sebelius, Kmiec, Catholics United and the rest of Magog's chain gang carry out the orders in Massachusetts.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue discussed the ramifications of this action:
“This regulation gives health care workers the right to be free from discriminatory edicts invoked by those who have no respect for their conscience rights. No one in the health care field should ever be compelled by law to perform or assist in a procedure that violates his or her conscience. This should be an elementary right, yet there are those who want to trespass on it.
“This would be another step in the wrong direction for an administration which is promoting abortion by overturning the Mexico City Policy, promising to support the United Nations Population Fund and considering the nomination of radical abortion rights supporter Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to be the Secretary of HHS. This action would be the most offensive since it compromises the rights of Catholics to act according to their conscience.
Sadly, the victims of the enmity of all that is sanctified and holy have no idea Who and What they fight against.
Good luck to them!
I guess we never had to worry about Obama forcing Catholic Hospitals. We had Cardinal O'Malley manipulating it in the works all along.
****UPDATE: I guess I missed this in the Boston Globe last week.
I'll refrain from editorializing at this moment as my thoughts about the Cardinal Archbishop of Boston and his proabortion lobbyists would be scandalous.
1 comment:
If the Vatican would let Cardinal O'Malley invest in the abortion industry, surely they would have no objection to investing in the sexual trafficking. Killing people is worse than racketeering in kidnapping and sexually exploiting them.
This is a phone call from the Vatican. Let us remember Maciel Macial and realize the corruption for what it is. Maggots. Rot.
When Pope Benedict XVI called for prayers, I think he had a lore more on his mind than we can ever imagine.
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