Sunday, March 15, 2009

Caritas Christi Abortion Referral Services - Today's Letter to Cardinal O'Malley

Blogging from the sidelines of East Fourth Street in South Boston, where the parade in honor of St. Patrick, the patron Saint of Boston, known for driving the snakes out of Ireland was held today. A magnificent parade, as it always is.

Cardinal O'Malley has given away Catholic education of our children to Jack Connors and rebels of dissent. He has given away the rights of parents to define for their children sexual touches that are good are within the context of a Sacramental marriage and sexual touches that are bad are those outside of that Sacramental bond and he has given the definition of that to Planned Parenthood, nowdescribing those actions to our children in religious education starting in kindergarten. Our sweet innocent angels are being sexualized in Kindergarten, against our will and the directives of our Magisterium. He has put the culpability of the protection children from sexual sociopaths into the hands of children themselves. He's pressured our priests until there was only one left willing to defend children from violent rape stories as the sanctity of our teachings on sexuality and insisted on putting the culpability where it belongs: the adults who need to protect children. He has set up to crucify that one priest in the public square. He has given away the canonical rights of innocent priests to defend themselves against false accusations. He has taken away the rights of our priests to defend themselves civilly from false accusations. He has taken away the vocations and the rights of innocent priests to even celebrate the Sacraments. He has threatened to slander/publish the names of innocent priests and sully their reputation as if were guilty of the charges. He his setting a stage for public persecution for these priests and their families. He has given away our Churches, our Altars, Our Sacramentals and Holy Relics. He has reduced salaries of retired priests to a pittance no human being could live on even in abject poverty. He has taken away the healthcare of sick, elderly and dying priests and is dumping them like empty wallets.

May the road rise with Cardiinal O'Malley, may the wind be always at his back. May he be filled with wisdom, courage and right judgement. May whatever snake or snakes infesting this city, in the Name of Christ, be driven out the Rectory door at Union Park, take a left to head northeast in a straight line and walketh until they reacheth the shores of the Charles River. May they taketh off thy holy sandals and wade into the water until its height reaches thine eyebrows may they open their holy pie holes and sucketh in the canal waters.

The thousands of vocations of Catholics in healthcare you will not get without a fight.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 10:10 am
Subject: CaritasAbortion Referral Clarification and Impending Legal Action


Dear Cardinal O'Malley:

I would like to clarify for the record confusion that appears to be arising from your public statements implying that the Caritas abortion referral arrangement will not result in any action that could be construed as abortion "referrals" by Catholic primary care givers at Caritas. Your statements of record imply that bringing the stream of women covered for abortions services, who intend to obtain an abortion, will not result in any action that will compromise the salvation of our primary care givers at our Catholic Hospitals. Your statements of record imply that in your arrangement, the "abortion referrals" take place through the employees of "Centene".

The theological arguments with respect to using the mitre of the Cardinal Archbishop of Boston to set up a partnership to bait uncatechized people at Centene to commit evil acts in an effort to absolve yourself, I'll save for another day.

Hopefully, God will permit the Holy Spirit to act in this woman, whom among others, you refer to as people who do a great disservice to the Church, to addresses J. Bryan Hehir's theological fallacies that there is no "referral" happening at Caritas facilities.

As mentioned above, you seek to now direct stream of women seeking abortions and covered for those abortions through their insurance company into the offices of our primary care physicians and Hospitals of Caritas. Caritas facilities will be their first of three stops in the abortion sojourn.

Though you personally have claimed that the dynamics of this venture will not cause anyone to promote abortion, refer a woman out of Caritas towards her abortion or any other actions against the teachings of the Church, the statements of the party of the first part, Caritas-Christi have contradicted you.

As reported in the Boston Globe, the Board of Caritas( who has refused to identify itself) has given assurances and promises (in writing) that employees of Caritas, as primary care givers, will be compelled to describe abortion (and other services against the teachings of the Catholic Church) as a viable option. In-vitro fertilization, embryonic stem cell therapies, sterlization, contraception are among the discussions which now must take place. Additionally, sexually active adults who will now be the medical responsibility of Catholic physicians who will be compelled to apply the standard of malpractice to the stream of patients seeking services you wish to bring them. They will have to hold discussions about condoms and HIV testing and other enabling and accessory conversations forbidden in Catholic teachings.

Further, while you are avoiding speaking the truth of the above in the public square, you opine that any positive actions of Caritas such as giving a woman the phone number and instructions to proceed towards her abortion, sterilization, embryonic stem cell therapies - and the woman walking out of the Catholic facility to obtain them, sometimes calling the taxicab ride to get there, is somehow not a "referral" or evil.

Yet, you know full well that you will never engage in such conversations yourself. You will never hand a woman the abortion hotline number to obtain her abortion referral. You will never call a taxicab for her and wish her luck on the way out the door. Because, you would not jeopordize your own soul by doing it. But you freely jeopordize the thousands of people who will be involved in these actions through your directives. You seem to have little concern for not only our healthcare workers, but the employees of Centene and mostly, the woman leaving Caritas in the taxicab with the child she carries in her womb whose life will be snuffed out. This your Gospel of Life, as you called it.

Several physicians have written on Michael Paulson's articles regarding the situation you are putting them in. The quote below can be found on Paulson's "Cardinal Warns Approval Not Final" at

  • If the doctors at these hospitals give a phone number/transport/make a referral to an abortion mill that is "cooperation" with intrinsic evil.As a physician, and more importantly as a Catholic physician, I will never do this, nor could I work at a hospital where this is considered "standard of care" for some quasi contractural aggreement. In fact, in my ED, I aggressively talk to these young scared women about the alternatives and refer ALL to a "pro-life crisis pregnancy center" where they are offered both truth and love.On the surface it seems that the Diocese is trading morality for cash. However I have not seen the contract. I do wonder, though, what authority does the National Catholic Bioethics Center have.
    Get ready, my prediction is that this is the first of many of these same type of arrangements to come down the pike in the near future in medicine. The public may soon find out what it means to be a truly Catholic Hospital.
    Posted by Anthony P M.D. March 14, 09 02:06 PM

  • My youngest daughter vocational interests are to become a nurse to serve the sick and poor. As I have mentioned to you before, and reiterate here again, in an attempt to preserve the vocations of Catholics who wish to practice medicine in the Commonwealth at Catholic facilities, if you proceed on this path, I will be seeking an injunction in superior court to stop you. The second wave of legal actions will include civil actions to recover the annual salaries of any and every Catholic heatlhcare worker at Caritas who will be forced to quit their jobs.

    Why you would ever need the counsel of Catholic ethicists to "assure you" this venture is morally ethical from your mitre is mystifying. However, next Friday will be two weeks from the time you engaged their counsel. This is a no brainer for Fr. Tad and others at the Bioethics Center. I will expect you will have some kind of statement by next Friday. If, for some reason, you need a few more days, please have one of your representatives drop me an email. Otherwise, I will be forced to proceed in civil actions to protect my daughter and the thousands of Catholics whom this will affect. I would appreciate the courtesy of your giving me notification that you will need more time before forcing my hand to take a legal action.

    In all the years we here in Boston have been faced with dissent and legislation and false accusations against some of our priests, Mayor Menino who used the newspapers to describe loyal Catholics as hateful and biggoted people, Voice of the Faithful who is trying in Connecticut what they couldn't accomplish here because I and my group of faithful Catholics fought them tooth and nail as you coddled them, you never once articulated that that these were "people doing a great disservice to the Church". I take exception to your attempt to undermine the credibility of people trying to protect children against being sent to be murdered from a taxicab from a Caritas Christi facility.

    You may find the this week's weekly column by Fr. Rutler helpful.
    While you loathe the vocation of driving out of the temple with a whip, it is a valid vocation in the face of weakness and corruption over money. Not while I breathe will I permit you to do this.

    In Jesus Christ,
    Carol McKinley

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Church of Our Saviour <>
    Sent: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 10:59 pm
    Subject: Weekly Column by Fr. Rutler for March 15, 2009

    Church of Our Saviour, NYC Masthead

    by Fr. George W. Rutler
    March 15, 2009

    The same Jesus who was transfigured in glory on the mountain did a very earthy thing in using a whip to expel the moneychangers from the temple. In the early weeks of Lent the Church recounts both as a reminder that God came into the world to change it. Christ’s glory is displayed that “you might be partakers of the divine nature,” but that glory is contingent upon us “having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2 Peter 1:4).

    As Jesus led Peter and James and John up the mountain, so he leads us up to glory, like the priest about to ascend the altar steps in the older form of the Mass: “Introibo ad altare Dei” (“I will go unto the altar of God”). That brush with divinity at the Transfiguration, enveloped by a cloud, is a preparation for the conflict between splendor and horror at the foot of the mountain. Pope Leo the Great explains how Our Lord was strengthening the Apostles for the crucifixion to come.

    The kind of life that forgets God’s glory becomes depressed, despite attempts to put on a veneer of happiness: like Cole Porter’s song “Down in the Depths on the Ninetieth Floor.” This does not mean that Christ saves us from conflicts. His followers must enter this world’s gravest conflicts, but the consolation of his glory saves them from being psychologically conflicted. Having led the three Apostles up the mountain, he leads them down. More help is needed going down than going up: This is a fact of mountaineering and it is a fact of life itself. The same three Apostles who witnessed Our Lord’s glorious transfiguration on the mountain attended his agony in the garden. By guiding the Apostles down the mountain Christ was instructing them in the virtue of the faith they would need for the trials ahead.

    While there are more Catholics in the United States now than ever before, many of that number are immigrants and converts. One out of every ten Americans is a former Catholic. Excuses cannot conceal the fact that these people stumbled on the difficult path down from the summit of consolations. As Chesterton said: “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.” By being faithful, one proves Newman’s maxim: “A thousand difficulties do not make one doubt.” It is too glib to speak of “losing” faith. Bernanos said pointedly: “Faith is not a thing which one ‘loses,’ we merely cease to shape our lives by it.”

    Our Lord prayed that Peter’s faith would not fail so that he might strengthen the brethren (Luke 22:32). And Peter did precisely that right to the end of his life: “We did not follow cleverly devised myths. . . . We ourselves heard this voice from Heaven while we were with him on the holy mountain” (2 Peter 1: 16-18).

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