Saturday, March 14, 2009

Michael Steele: Another Jerk, Another Round of Rope a Dope with Prolifers

When our prolife hierarchy was trying to generate support for Michael Steele by saying he would get the RNC prolife agenda back on track , I was skeptical to get on Board.

I did at the urgings of prolifers I respect, but it now appears our skepticism is healthy:

How much of your pro-life stance, for you, is informed not just by your Catholic faith but by the fact that you were adopted?
Oh, a lot. Absolutely. I see the power of life in that—I mean, and the power of choice! The thing to keep in mind about it… Uh, you know, I think as a country we get off on these misguided conversations that throw around terms that really misrepresent truth.

Explain that.
The choice issue cuts two ways. You can choose life, or you can choose abortion. You know, my mother chose life. So, you know, I think the power of the argument of choice boils down to stating a case for one or the other.

Are you saying you think women have the right to choose abortion?
Yeah. I mean, again, I think that’s an individual choice.

You do?
Yeah. Absolutely.

Are you saying you don’t want to overturn Roe v. Wade?
I think Roe v. Wade—as a legal matter, Roe v. Wade was a wrongly decided matter.

Okay, but if you overturn Roe v. Wade, how do women have the choice you just said they should have?
The states should make that choice. That’s what the choice is. The individual choice rests in the states. Let them decide.

Do pro-choicers have a place in the Republican Party?

How so?
You know, Lee Atwater said it best: We are a big-tent party. We recognize that there are views that may be divergent on some issues, but our goal is to correspond, or try to respond, to some core values and principles that we can agree on.

Do you think you’re more welcoming to pro-choice people than Democrats are to pro-lifers?
Now that’s a good question. I would say we are. Because the Democrats wouldn’t allow a pro-lifer to speak at their convention. We’ve had many a pro-choicer speak at ours—long before Rudy Giuliani. So yeah, that’s something I’ve been trying to get our party to appreciate. It’s not just in our words but in our actions, we’ve been a party that’s much more embracing. Even when we have missed the boat on, uh, minority issues, the Bush administration did an enormous amount to advance the individual opportunities for minorities in our country. In housing. In education. In health care.

How’d you miss the boat?
Well, we missed the boat in that we don’t talk about it. We don’t share that part of the story. We don’t understand and appreciate it enough to actually get out and articulate it. We miss it, we just completely miss it. We don’t see it for what it is, as a part of our philosophy. And so I’d like to see us do more of that, to engage in that conversation.

So, let me see if I have this straight.

In 2008, with middle class drowning prices of food and heating fuel we can't afford, we were stuck with Two Big Tents with abortion policies.

One Tent put a wealthy rabid abortion supporter at the helm who capitalized on Barney Frank's errors in judgment in giving houses to people who couldn't afford them and imploded the economy.

The other Tent tried to put a wealthy abortion supporter at the helm and when we didn't buy into the magical makeover and chased their guy off the stage, they replaced flip flop with a candidate who had a decent prolife history but he was wearing $2000 shoes saying the economy was healthy.

People suffering from the economic meltdown voted Democrat and the only people the RNC had left were prolifers who will never acquiesce, even if we are personally suffering.

For 2012, the wizards at the RNC reinvent themselves with the meme that they are prochoice - alienating the last people on board the Titanic.

Hey, prolifers don't mind being hijacked and manipulated but having two prochoice Tents, one of whom doesn't give a rat's ass about the poor, I'd be shocked if the RNC will ever see power again in our lifetime.

Last election a great many prolifers drifted into a third party candidate or sat out the race. This time, there's isn't any breathing bodies in the grassroots prolife camp willing to take the soundbytes of the RNC seriously.


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