Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Caritas Deal Gets Support of Leading Theologians

Fear not. None of the leading theologians quoted are faithful theologians.

However, as dissenting theologians are rallying in support of Cardinal O'Malley's abortion referral service, faithful theologians, priests, Bishops, Cardinals, periodicals and leading Catholic initiaitves have thus far been unwilling to say that abortion referrals are against the teachings of the Catholic Church.

The meme of the dissenting theologians is predictable, the Cardinal's abortion services are fighting poverty.

As Tod Salzman of Cretin University said, "Catholic social teaching is very clear that access to healthcare should be a basic human right,"

Blessed is the Cardinal in his mission to the poor, for they shall inherit abortion.

Start contacting our faithful theologians and encouraging them to stand up and fight. Their silence is deafening.

By the way, don't miss this quote from Paulson's article:

Caritas has repeatedly refused to answer questions from the Globe about the proposal. Yesterday, the hospital network declined to say what services are prohibited under Catholic teaching, how the Caritas hospitals currently respond to patients who seek such prohibited services, or how Caritas proposes to handle requests for such services under the Centene deal. The state contract requires that the venture provide coverage for abortion.

Please do go to Paulson's blog and check out all the quotes from all the priests and theologians here.

Materially cooperating with the murders of children is permissible doctrinally because it's a service to the poor in an imperfect world. The same excuse they hijacked the doctrine of material cooperation to look the other way when children were raped.

I feel sorry for anyone now not realizing that the boys in the bunker are not to be trusted, that there is absolutely ZERO willingness for anybody faithful to the teachings of the Church to step forward in the public square and correct their lies and cover ups.

If they permit the Cardinal and his theological bunker boys to say that it is permissible to materially cooperate with abortions by setting up a partnership to funnel the abortions through, there certainly is no theological basis to the teachings promulgated by the Vatican that politicians may not materially cooperate through legislation. We have been hoodwinked by the Popes and Bishops and Cardinals threatening to excommunicate Catholics supportive of FOCA have no authority to do so accordingly.

Also, not to be missed, is Paulson's blog post HERE regarding the questions I've also been asking the Cardinal, Caritas and all the people involved regarding the action items they are secretly proposing to their staff in order to keep their jobs.

1. What health services does Caritas currently decline to provide in order to comply with Catholic teachings?

2. How does Caritas currently handle requests by patients seeking health services that violate Catholic teaching? Please be as specific as possible about how this process works -- are patients handed a list of services not provided, and are they given phone numbers or other contact information for how to obtain the services elsewhere?

3. How would patients in the proposed Caritas-Centene venture obtain health services that violate Catholic teachings but must be covered under the state contract? And, if Caritas will not refer patients for such treatment, how will patients at Caritas hospitals find out where they might go?

4. In your view, does the Caritas-Centene venture constitute a form of cooperation with evil, as defined by Catholic theology? Why or why not?

5. What was the process at Caritas for weighing the proposed venture and making sure it complies with Catholic teaching?

6. In addition to the six hospitals in the Caritas Christi Health Care system, are there any other Catholic hospitals or community centers that would be included in the proposed Caritas-Centene venture in Massachusetts?

7. Will the proposed Caritas-Centene venture include any non-Catholic religious hospitals or community centers?

8. Are there parallel arrangements elsewhere in the U.S. that you are looking to for guidance or as models?

9. Can we see a copy of the proposed agreement between Caritas and Centene?

10. Can we interview Dr. de la Torre?

Here is what Caritas spokeswoman Teresa Prego said:

"Out of respect for the legal process of the Connector Authority, we will not comment further on additional questions. We would be happy to respond to questions following the Connector board meeting. While we understand that you are writing a story under a deadline, I'm sure you can appreciate that anyone bidding on a contract such as this would be doing themselves a disservice to comment while the board is deliberating."
Good luck to Commonwealth Authority. If a pervert or two or a hundred get into the Cartis healthcare system, they now know how the so-called doctrine of material cooperation is going to kick in, and how the silences of faithful people still plays itself out. Good luck to the poor people and the Red Sox.

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