I can't stand the suspense!
When it comes to proabortion politicians, everyone and their mother and their Bishop finds out the details and stands in the public square and hammers at them.
But there is a handful of people across the entire country who are willing to do what is just and right when a Cardinal Archbishop and his auxiliary Bishops are lying about their initiatives and the teachings of the Church.
But woe to Catholics United.
I've been thinking.
What Obama and Sebelius and FOCA people need is Cardinal O'Malley to let every Catholic in the US of A know that there will be no abortion referrals at any hospital in the United States if FOCA passes.
People will believe him.
Think about it. Cardinal O'Malley can follow his comments in the newspapers by circulating an entry on his blog that says "anybody telling you FOCA has anything to do with abortion referrals is a Benedict Arnold to the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ".
All I can say is, if they ever start building incinerators for the Jews or anyone else the country decides are inferior people, Cardinal O'Malley and Caritas will be right there to help them out. He can tell them it's the new shrine for the Gospel of Life and these are the principles that must be promulgated as they have been for 2000 years. Nobody will ask questions to get the details of the people who go in but never come out.
Really. What gives?
It's the employees of Caritas who'll be forced into giving the woman the green light.
Is it acceptable for everyone faithful to the Magisterium to say you don't know the details of the Cardinals abortion referral service?
Where are our Bishops?
Where is Cardinal George who said hospitals will shut down if Catholic employees are forced into collaborating with abortion?
Is the Nuncio a complete farce?
This is involving killing children.
Killing children.
I don't get it.
Cardinal O'Malley is withholding the details so people will be ignorant and he won't be compelled to articulate what we all know happens in a doctor's office at Caritas when a woman asks to be referred for an abortion.
How could anyone claim they don't the details of how a woman will get from the doctors office at Caritas to the abortion clinic?
It is irrational.
Certainly, if this is true, no Catholic can't form an opinion about the complexities of FOCA because we don't know how it will work. We don't have the details.
Further, how could it possibly be that Seblius, Pelosi, Obama are more complicit in acts of abortion than Cardinal O'Malley and Caritas Christi?
Pelosi (et al) being a party to legislation that will send the funding to the Commonwealth who will send it to the Insurance Company who will give it to Caritas who will give the money and the woman to a partner who will contract with the physician who will do the abortion could not possibly be an offense against the Catholic faith.
Look how far Pelosi is up the food chain of complicity, and Obama is even further up the food chain of complicity than Pelosi.
Any kind of defense for the unborn is eradicated with Cardinal O'Malley's logic.
There are a less than a handful of men willing to stand up in this country against a corrupt Chancery after the sex abuse scandal? God help us.
My email box as 4368 emails and I'm buried, but I did want to say that several people have written asking about the injuction against the Archdiocese, whose authority it is to marshal Catholic ethics at Caritas. We decided to wait until the contract is awarded before proceeding to spend anybody's hard earned cash on a lawyer to seek the injunction in Superior Court.
After reading today's Globe, if the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority Board doesn't know the kind of people they are dealing with and factor the dishonesty into their opinion, I'll be very surprised.
Let's see what happens tomorrow.
I also wanted to post my email last evening to the Board encouraging them to scratch beneath the surface of Caritas and the boys at the bunker.
Lastly, I've posted the news release of one man in the entire Commonwealth of Massachusetts willing to stand up and be counted for women and children.
More work to do...stay tuned!
I wanted to share a few more things with you.
I've had several priests, deacons and lay ministries in the diocese forward me emails coming from Chancery employees affirming the general message containing the Cardinal's promise that the Caritas-Centene venture will not refer women out their system for abortions, nor will they give any information to women seeking an abortion that doesn't pass the muster of two doctrines of the Catholic Church, Humanae Vitae and Evangelium Vitae, which as you would imagine, forbid abortions.
I don't know about you, but Catholics are trying to figure out how the Cardinal's statements could possibly coexist with the statement of Caritas Christi and the provisions of abortion the Commonwealth has made crystal clear.
I've spoken to Caritas spokeswoman Theresa Prego, I've asked the Cardinal's spokesperson Terry Donilon, the Cardinal himself, the Vicar General of our diocese, I've asked members of the Board of Governors at Caritas - and they are refusing to answer specifically how they envision carrying out the requirements of the contract without giving the woman asking for information, instructions, referral to an abortionist and the phone numbers we know it's going to take to get her there. I worked in Ob-Gyn for ten years and I was pretty specific with each of them about the dynamics that take place between the woman and the healthcare worker and asked them point blank to clarify the actions that will take place behind the closed doors of the exam room when the woman expresses she wants an abortion. They are evasive, dismissive and hostile.
This information is obviously important to me because my interests are the thousands of Catholic healthcare workers whom the Cardinal Archbishop has a duty to preserve the practice of medicine without conscience violations or having to quit their jobs.
But, the information is equally important to you for different reasons. Below is an excerpt from the Cardinal's blog that is the general syntax of his internal emails flying through our Catholic networks:
To be perfectly clear, Caritas Christi will never do anything to promote abortions, to direct any patients to providers of abortion or in any way to participate in actions that are contrary to Catholic moral teaching and anyone who suggests otherwise is doing a great disservice to the Catholic Church. We are committed to the Gospel of Life and no arrangement will be entered into unless it is completely in accord with Church teaching.
Quite frankly, with all the experience I've had with Cardinal O'Malley and his staff over various things in the past five years, I think you will find it to be a very informative exercise. When you're done with all of them, ask yourself if these are people you can rely on to be forthright, honest and true to their word.
Also, I don't know if you are also aware that Caritas Christi has been refusing to reveal the identities of the Board. In fact, they've refused to file their 2008 annual report with the Secretary of State's office in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Funny thing about the word "sneaks", you change a couple of letters around and you've got "snakes".
Lastly, of note in the Cardinal's statement is the customary insult to those of us who are righteously protecting our childrens' heritage - we're "doing a great disservice to the Church". I'm sure you'll find it has a familiar ring to it. It's the same thing they told sex abuse victims when it was their turn to deal with the problems these folks have with the doctrines of material cooperation.
God Bless,
Carol McKinley
(781) 251-9739
The controversy is growing over the decision of Caritas Christi to seek a state contract as a health insurance provider in a program which includes abortion coverage. A story by Michael Paulson in today's Boston Globe contains revealing information about the refusal of Caritas Christi to either specifically affirm Catholic moral teaching or candidly explain the provisions of the Commonwealth Care contract.
Paulson wrote: “Caritas has repeatedly refused to answer questions from the Globe about the proposal. Yesterday, the hospital network declined to say what services are prohibited under Catholic teaching, how the Caritas hospitals currently respond to patients who seek such prohibited services, or how Caritas proposes to handle requests for such services under the Centene deal. The state contract requires that the venture provide coverage for abortion.”
Paulson also wrote on the Globe website today: “…we have repeatedly attempted to get Caritas to explain how the arrangement would work. Caritas, which has at least two communications people in-house and a crisis p.r. consultant too, has thus far refused to offer any explanation, not only of the proposal, but also of current practice at the chain’s six hospitals.”
The Catholic Action League called the Globe's findings “a startling indictment, from an unexpected source, confirming our worst fears.”
Catholic Action League Executive Director C. J. Doyle stated: “Everything we need to know about the Caritas Christi/Centene Corporation partnership and its deal with Commonwealth Care was apparent in this morning's Globe. Caritas, which refuses to release the names of its board of governors, won't even publicly say how it handles requests for abortions now -- without the requirements of a state contract.”
“If Caritas actually intended to accept tax dollars while evading state demands for abortion coverage, every voice on the political left would be raised against it -- in the media, in the Legislature, and among the advocacy groups. Instead, we have heard nothing but silence from the usual adversaries of the Church."
“It staggers the imagination that anyone can seriously believe the assertions by the Archdiocese of Boston about Caritas and abortion. The only solution is for Caritas to withdraw from the contract."
Carol: I just came from the Cardinal's blog. He is loading his comments section up with comments from children about the Cardinal's appeal.
ReplyDeleteGo read it. You won't believe your eyes.
Manipulating younsters to raise money for him while he's scheming to wash his hands of killing them. I'm sick to my stomach.
I have never been so scandalized in my life.
I weathered the sexual abuse scandal without any harm at all to my faith. The Cardinal's obvious lies and the silence of brother Bishops, priests, lay people who are not shy about bashing Kerry, Kennedy and Pelosi over the years has shaken my faith to the core.