Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Deepak Chopkra

I don't know very much about the Deepak Chopkra new age drivel but I had no idea he was such a loon.

The future appears to be global, and if we want to thrive there, the concept of “pure evil” has to be discarded. As fuel for hostility, nothing is more combustible. After 9/11, angry mobs massing in Baghdad against the U.S. weren’t just seen as unemployed young Arab males — they became symbols of unrepentant hatred, while jihadists became evil monsters with no regard for innocent lives. The more evil we projected onto “them,” the aliens threatening our safety, the less human they became. If the future becomes global, however, projections of pure evil have no breathing room anymore. Everyone is becoming our neighbor, and with the dissolving of borders, everyone must be seen as human, however angry and extreme their actions...

More importantly, a positive kind of spirituality has arisen that doesn’t need Satan. He is necessary in the battle for souls that pits good against evil in the scheme of Christianity. Without the threat of damnation, the incentive for salvation is severely weakened.

In the aftermath of Satan, the expansion of well-being promises to replace the eternal battle between good and evil, which only served to make evil more powerful than it has any right to be.

Isn't Oprah all over Chopkra?

I'm amazed Oprah subscribes to this nutty philosophy.

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