Monday, April 27, 2009

Glendon Gives Notre Dame's Insufferable Hogwash of Balanced Opinions a Kick in the Tires

Jenkins has a blowout.

With Glendon passes on Laetare, 8.2 million being held hostage, Bishop D'Arcy publicly telling Jenkins to recant his errors, Jenkins today responded by saying OK, we'll find someone else.

Good luck with that.

The short list of suspects is being tossed around in think tanks. Kmiec, Biden, Pelosi, Sebelius, Kennedy.

Laetare is Notre Dame's award for outstanding service to the Roman Catholic Church. The index of contributions to the Catholic Church in that list would seem a bit far fetched. Pelosi and Biden have already had flares shot across their bows that they're not in good standing with the Catholic Church. You've got Bishop D'Arcy saying Jenkins is violating the Church's teachings by inviting and giving Obama an honor.

Nobody loyal to the teachings of the Church is going to cross the picket line.

With the electric atmosphere, what famous repudiator of Catholic teaching will be willing to back into the corner with Jenkins?

Kmiec is on my short list of possible suspects.

I wonder though, if even Kmiec is willing to go that far.

In spite of all the denials, my Vatican contacts have told me that Mr. Kmiec's was nominated for the position of Ambassador to the Holy See and was rebuffed, and in no uncertain terms, by the Vatican. At this point, he is a tarbaby even to Obama.

Do you think with 8.2 million already being held hostage in donations Jenkins is willing to pour fuel on the fire by replacing Glendon with Kmiec, Pelosi or Sebelius?

Do you think Kmiec is foolish enough to burn every bridge?

All very interesting!

Obama released a statement in response:

“President Obama is disappointed by former Ambassador Mary Glendon’s decision,but he looks forward to delivering an inclusive and respectful speech at the Notre Dame graduation, a school with a rich history of fostering the exchange of ideas," Jen Psaki, White House Deputy Press Secretary, said.

It turns out with Notre Dame's rich history of fostering ideas, nobody graduating knows which ideas are actually Catholic. Including Jenkins himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inclusive he says well! well!

Was not Fr Peyton of the rosary crusade a member of the Holy Ghost Fathers as it was then perhaps a rosary or two to him might be worth while