Miguel Diaz. Proabortion, graduate of Notre Dame and consultant for
Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good network.
In any event, I'm having a hard time imaging the Vatican agreeing to an Ambassador whose has the hobby of translating doctrine incorrectly with the effect of Catholics being misled. If it's the one character trait you want to have in an Ambassador, it would be knowing whatever people say and whatever they mean to convey is carried to it's destination flawlessly.
We shall see.
This is a tough week at Chez Kmiec. The Supreme Court nomination slipped through his fingers when Obama nominated Judge Sonia Sotomayer to fill the Souter vacancy.
CWN has a round-up of several of her opinions which on their face, paints a picture of a woman with a heart and soul that is aware of value of human life. I have not yet done any kind of vetting or processing of this nomination.
There are some concerns about her statements articulating that a person's own cultural experiences give perspectives that create convictions and our logic is a by product of those convictions.
To me, this is a no-brainer. I disagree that the color of your skin gives an advantage in decison making. I completely agree that when it comes to socioeconomics, diverse experiences and backgrounds bringing perspectives is a good thing.
More later...
1 comment:
I believe one drawback to her being appointed is that she's referred to courts as being policy-makers. This thinking goes along with judicial activism, which is something Obama wants - "creative" interpretation of the Constitution instead of applying what it really says. It's how we got in much of this mess nationally with courts redefining civil marriage, etc.
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